By Dr. Rich Bimler, Lutheran Life Communities –

“Aging is the only way to live!” so let’s playfully engage in the aging process as we enter a brand new year of living!

Here is a quote from my latest book, “Joyfully Aging” (Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, 2012) which hopefully sets the stage for us to celebrate aging:

“Aging is a gift, a blessing, an opportunity to model what God’s Promise is all about. Our older years are Passion years, Play-filled years, People years, Positive years, Patient years, Prime years, and yes, even the Prune years!”

Let’s take a Peek at some of these P words more in detail:
1. Promise – Life is all about knowing, in faith, that we live each day as a Gift from the Lord. And that’s His Promise!

2. Passion – We can care and serve others with passion because we know that the Lord is in charge, leading and guiding us through both our good times and our bad times.

3. Playful – When we take ourselves too seriously, perhaps we are not taking the Lord seriously enough. Lighten up! Smile at a grouch! Skip down the side walk (but be careful), and laugh out loud!

4. People – People, young and old, become our priorities in life. People are not “things” to use but rather gifts to be shared and celebrated. The Lord puts us in “ministry-range” in order that we can encourage and enjoy one another!

5. Positive – Watching the evening news can bring much fear and worry. When these attitudes hit you, remember Who you are and Whose you are! The Lord has already won the battle for us. We now live as Resurrection Resources, ready to shout to the world that Hope triumphs over Fear, every time!

6. Patient – Aging allows us to slow down the pace, listen to others more seriously, and to model that the Lord is still in control. Whether we are stuck in traffic on Tamiami Highway, in a long line at Publix, or anxious about how our favorite sports’ team is playing, we can take a breath and help others to do the same.

7. Prime – Someone once said to me that they wish they would have known me “in my prime”! Our prime time is Now! We are ready for prime time because the Lord lives in and through us. We are aging Gracefully, and we are indeed, Prime Timers!

8. Prunes – Yes, of course, even Prunes! Did you know that prunes are called “fossil fuel”? Enjoy what you eat. Watch what you eat. Eat healthy and hearty. And thank the Lord for all of the daily bread He provides us, even prunes! (But watch out for the broccoli!)

There you have it – Eight Exciting ways to begin the New Year by engaging in aging! Yes, we are Positive, Playful People of Promise, Passionate, Patient, in our Prime – with or without the Prunes!

About the Author
Dr. Rich Bimler, Bloomingdale, Illinois, has served the Church in various positions throughout his   49   year ministry  career. He repositioned in 2006 after serving for 15 years as  President/CEO of Wheat Ridge Ministries. He serves as the  Ambassador of  Health, Hope, and Aging (AH-HA!) for Lutheran Life Communities, Arlington Heights, Illinois.  He  con-tinues to write, speak, and consult with other agencies and organizations throughout the world.