Eliminate Pain And Kick-Start Your Fitness Goals for 2014

foot solutions esteroAt the start of a new year many individuals commit to getting fit by starting a new fitness program. Exercise is a great way to get in shape, improve your health, prevent disease, lose weight, boost your confidence, relieve stress and help to eliminate depression.

Pain often interferes with  our fitness goals. Pinpointing the pain and the cause of the pain allows the proper treatment regiment to begin and allows you to get back to exercising.

Through a thorough assessment the proper footwear or custom inserts can be recommended to alleviate or eliminate the following pain: Foot pain, knee, hip and back pain.

Foot Solutions expert staff is carefully trained to evaluate your pain, pinpoint problems, and recommend customized solutions. We can help people with a variety of problems and conditions, including:

  • Anyone who’s feet hurt
  • Those living with arthritis and diabetes
  • People whose doctors recommend special shoes or inserts as part of their treatment plan
  • People with hard-to-fit feet
  • Walkers and runners
  • People who stand all day at work
  • People who are experiencing back pain or pain in their joints
  • Athletes looking for a competitive edge

There are other non-surgical, drug-free alternatives to alleviate or eliminate pain that Foot Solutions of Estero offer such as:

Reflexology  promotes relaxation, improves circulation, reduces pain, soothes tired feet, and encourages overall healing.  This is performed by a Licensed Reflexologist through a series of massages (focusing primarily on the feet and lower legs.) Depending on your needs, you may want to try traditional Reflexology, “Plantar Fasciitis” Foot Massage, or a Deep Tissue and Relaxation foot and lower leg massage.

Infrared Light Therapy: Light your way to pain relief.  This unique treatment harnesses the healing power of specific wavelengths of light. When infrared energy is delivered to injury sites and other painful areas, it dramatically increases circulation, reduces inflammation, and promotes healing Pain Relief Light therapy has been approved by the FDA. This type of therapy treatment often allows patients to avoid invasive surgeries and reduce or eliminate their reliance on dangerous prescription drugs.

The Bio-Back orthotic provides support to your lumbar and abdominal regions, and automatically improves posture. It creates pressure to reduce the load on intervertebral discs and facet joints, thereby alleviating inflammation and pain while promoting improved body mechanics. The Bio-Back’s low profile design will not restrict your movements, allowing you to live a more active and productive lifestyle. If lower back pain is a constant struggle for you, this revolutionary product will provide you the relief you have been looking for.

After back pain is eliminated, you can get started with an exercise / walking routine that they will be able to stick to. Let Foot Solutions of Estero guide you to feel better and live better in 2014 call today for a free foot analysis to see how we can help.

10 New Year’s Resolutions That Are Easy To Keep
1. Get specific about your goals. How will you measure it , why do you want it, how will you get it, and how much is enough.

2. Be more active whenever you can. Acknowledge that fitting in activity or exercise is not always possible.  But, pledge to set aside time each day that is solely devoted to fitness…even if it’s only a brisk 15 minute walk or jog.  Learn the difference between “can’t” and “can’t be bothered.”

3. Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables are packed with health promoting and disease fighting nutrients.

4. Visit the gym often. Once you have signed up keep swiping that card until it becomes a habit.

5. Be body aware. Know your body and know your pain levels. Scan your body on a regular basis and know where you need to make corrections within your workout routine. Maybe you need to walk one day verses jogging, or maybe you feel your body getting stronger, and you can add some time or reps to your routine.  Your body will thank you when you are attune to its needs.

6. Keep a training journal. You will find it to be very motivating and useful in maintaining a routine.

7. Make sure your fluid intake is where it should be. Drinking enough fluids is an absolutely essential part of everyone’s daily fitness program.

8. Balance your activities. It is important to have flexibility in your daily workouts. Do not overdo one particular activity, mix it up and keep it interesting.

9. Effort levels. Challenge yourself, but also know when to slow things down.

10. Learn new activities.  The body gets complacent when you always do the same thing. Find new types of activities (think outside the gym) that you enjoy, but that also provide you with a workout.

Wishing you health and happiness. Happy New Year from the staff at Foot Solutions of Estero!

Christopher M. Cole, L.PedChristopher M. Cole, L.Ped
Chris is a Licensed Board Certified Pedorthist and owner of Foot Solutions Estero, a BOC Accredited Fa-cility. Chris graduated from  Clemson  University and has taken advanced course study in Mass Position Theory, CAD/CAM Technology for Prescription Foot Orthotics, Pedorthic Care of Diabetic Foot, Heel Pain Syndrome, Obesity among older Americans, Fall Prevention, and Shoe Construction and Modification.

21301 S. Tamiami Trail 300
Estero, FL 33928

(239) 495-8911