Diabetes and Healing Naturally

Diabetes and Healing Naturally Food intolerance induces inflammation, the excessive generation of toxic free radicals increases the occurrence of metabolic, chronic and degenerative diseases such as diabetes. In contrast, a “True” allergy may induce anaphylaxis, whereas the magnitude of exposures to intolerable foods, despite its less dramatic flair, causes greater morbidity and mortality.

IgE allergy to food has been recognized for centuries. IgE-mediated food allergies are true food allergies involving an abnormal response of the immune system to one or more specific foods. These reactions are associated with the rapid onset of symptoms  usually within a few minutes to a few hours after the ingestion of the offending food.

The first recorded anaphylactic reaction to egg occurred in the sixteenth century and fish induced allergy was reported in the seventeenth century. However, the more recent development of other non-allergic adverse reactions to foods, including food intolerance, only began receiving recognition following the work of Chicago-based allergist Theron Randolf in the 1950’s.

The link between food intolerance, chemical sensitivity and the dramatic increase in degenerative diseases is clear, with consumption of foods with no nutritional value, grown with pesticides and stuffed with dyes, additives and colorings.  When avoided, inflammation resolves, weight normalizes, and a number of other inflammatory based health problems subside.

Food reactions may cause toxic or nontoxic reactions. Toxic reactions occur in anyone, given sufficient exposure. Nontoxic reactions occur in susceptible individuals and may result from chemicals occurring in aged cheese, chocolate, and may involve either immune mechanisms (allergy or hypersensitivity) or non-immune mechanisms. The former are referred to as, “hypersensitivities;” the latter, “intolerances.” Food intolerance reactions are exacerbated by poor digestion. Addressing these underlying issues can result in tolerance of moderate quantities of the food.

Various serum tests exist, but are of questionable value. Whereas testing serum levels of allergen specific IgE is useful for classical allergy, it is of limited value for identification of foods and chemicals associated with intolerance that are not IgE mediated.
Previously, childhood diabetes was exclusively of the Type 1, auto-immune based type. The consequence: high blood sugar levels and tissue degeneration. Perhaps this is just the tip of the iceberg. Now, due to over activation of the innate immune system due to food intolerance, so called, “adult onset” diabetes occurs even in children.

Adult onset diabetes is not auto-immune per se, but occurs when insulin receptors on muscle, liver and brain, lose effectiveness. Insulin resistance is the hallmark of metabolic syndrome. Initially, insulin is produced, but it cannot sufficiently facilitate the uptake of glucose because of the insensitivity of the insulin receptors. The pancreas then produces increasing quantities of insulin, but of lower quality. Hence, blood sugar levels increase.

The most probable link between food intolerance and metabolic syndrome is that Interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha block insulin receptors. Glucose is stored in adipocytes which, in turn, produce these very same mediators and perpetuate-obesity, inflammation, and degeneration.

The frontline treatment for Type 2 diabetes in overweight children and adults should be dietary, rather than pharmacological, emphasizing healthy natural, nutritious food along with exercise, stress management, and intestinal health. Foods that act as triggers require proper identification and avoidance. Testing of white blood cell reactions, particularly the neutrophils, following in vitro challenge of whole blood, is independent of any single or limited number of mechanisms. It, thus, reflects pathological responses to foods that are mediated by immunologic, non-immunologic, pharmacologic, as well as toxic pathways. Whole blood analysis offers the additional advantage of reflecting in vivo response more accurately. The ALCAT Test exhibits the highest degree of correlation with blinded challenges and is the most accurate. Symptom resolution, normalization of weight, and broad clinical correlation affirm this as a useful tool to be added to the arsenal of integrative approaches at YOLLO Wellness.

What food WAS is not what food IS.
Wellness Consultants and certified Nutritionist have formulated a protocol for several food causing diseases such as diabetes. With the dietary changes based on your ALCAT results, proper digestive aids, supplementation recommendations for specified diseases such as diabetes, mild Hyperbaric Oxygen treatments along with live blood cell analysis to monitor progression our clients have greatly improved and have cleansed their body of the disease. Protocols are for those who are ready to make changes and want to put their health first. It’s a 30 day commitment at YOLLO Wellness and a lifetime commitment on your own. Other testing which is available is a timed test panel using Thermographic Imaging. This test will indicate specific digestive issues as well as micronutrient panels to indicate exact levels of vitamins and minerals and how much you should be supplementing on a daily basis. Live Cell analysis is a great way to monitor how healthy your blood looks.

Get ready to feel good- You Only Live Life Once!

30 day program for diabetes and digestive health $2,500.00
• ALCAT testing
• ALCAT testing analysis
• Weekly consultations
• Blood lab fees
• Food plans for daily meals
• DVD on the science behind food intolerances,
• Book about food healing the body and how it may harm us
• 30 mild hyperbaric oxygen treatments
• (package value $5,000.00) – %50 SAVINGS! ALCAT panels prices start at $99.00.
YOLLO Wellness
3840 Colonial Blvd, Suite 2, Ft. Myers, FL 33966