Diabetes and Your Feet

By Premier Foot & Ankle Specialists

DiabetesDiabetes is when the body does not make or properly use insulin and, therefore, it impairs the body’s ability to covert sugars into energy. Type 1 Diabetes is when the body does not make insulin and Type 2 Diabetes is when the body does not properly use insulin. Over time, hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar) can cause serious damage to the body’s systems and organs including the lower legs and feet. Diabetes, according to the CDC, affects almost 38 million people in the United States and almost 1 in 5 people do not know they have diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), 96 million people are at risk of developing diabetes and are termed “pre-diabetic”. The ADA also states that diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States.

Diabetes, especially if poorly controlled, can cause nerve damage and poor blood flow, specifically talking about the lower extremities. Some warning signs involving the feet and ankles are: burning/ tingling/ numbness, pain, swelling, open sores or blisters, calluses or dry cracking skin or fungal toenails. In other parts of the body diabetes can affect and cause serious damage to: eyes, heart, kidney, ears, nerves, and blood vessels.

Because diabetes can affect so many parts of the body, it is essential to have a team of doctors in different specialties. Seeing a podiatrist is an important part of the treatment if you are diabetic. More than 100,000 lower limbs are amputated each year due to diabetic complications. After having an amputation, the chance of having another amputation within three to five years is as high as 50 percent. Seeing a podiatric specialist can reduce the risk of lower limb amputations of up to 85 percent and decrease the risk of hospitalizations by 24 percent. One of the major preventative factors of amputation is early recognition and regular at risk foot screening preformed by a podiatrist, who is a foot and ankle expert.

If you are diabetic, a podiatrist can address small issues before they become a big problem. Some of the things a podiatrist can do for a diabetic, specifically, are:
1. Conduct a visual and physical inspection of your lower legs and feet to check for abnormalities or injuries.

2. Screen for peripheral arterial disease (decrease in blood flow in lower extremity arteries).

3. Screen for venous stasis disease (poor return of blood flow in the veins which can cause lower leg swelling).

4. Screen for neuropathy (abnormal sensations due to changes in blood sugar due to diabetes).

5. Screen for potential skin cancers or disorders.

6. Treat all types of open wounds from the knee down with advanced wound care techniques to expedite wound healing.

7. Remove or debride: calluses, corns or fungal and ingrowing toenails.

8. Recommend and prescribe, and often times dispense, specific types of shoe gear and or medical grade or custom orthotics.

9. Surgically correct foot deformities.

Some foot health tips to follow if you are diabetic are:
1. Check your feet daily. Look for thick calluses, open wounds, bruises or cuts, or discoloration in skin or toenails.

2. Always wear supportive shoes with socks. Going without socks can put you at risk for blisters or sores.

3. Never go barefoot. Without protective and supportive shoes there is an increased risk of wounds and infection.

4. Exercise. Walking and other cardiovascular exercise helps improve circulation and control weight.

5. Never cut calluses or thick fungal toenails by yourself. Over the counter products can cause more damage than good when it comes to diabetics and their feet.

6. See a podiatrist, at minimum one time a year, if you are diabetic. Remember, prevention is the best medicine.

Dr. Roggow and Dr. Bonjorno are trained to help prevent complications in diabetics and correct problems when they arise! Diabetic prevention, lower extremity wound care and surgery are some of their specialties. We are happily taking new patients, of all types, and look forward to meeting you!


Premier Foot and Ankle Specialists

(941) 488-0222
4120 Woodmere Park Blvd, Suite 5, Venice, FL 34293

Dr. Brielle Roggow

Dr. Jeremy Bonjorno