Decreasing Balance Increases Risk of Falls in the Bathroom

Decreasing Balance IncreasesAs we age, it gets harder to do a lot of the activities we were once able to do with ease, and we tend to take those things for granted. Walking, bending, and climbing are movements that we think are simple now, but they only get more difficult when we reach our Golden Years.

The bathroom can be a hazardous place for aging homeowners. As balance decreases with age, the risk of slips and falls increases and increases presents the possibility of broken hips or other health concerns and costs. A safe and easy-to-use bathroom is critical for aging homeowners who wish to remain independent for as long as possible.

One daily activity that you may not realize that can become a more difficult task in the future is the ability to take a bath or shower on your own. Lifting your legs to step over the ledge and into the tub may not be possible, especially with decreased balance. Even if your bathroom already has a shower with a walk-in feature or a low ledge, standing for long periods of time will not be comfortable, and leave you vulnerable to falls.

Installing aging-in-place bathroom features can help homeowners remain in their current residences well into their later years. In fact, aging-in-place remodeling is the fastest growing sector of the home improvement industry!

Comfort and Security With a Walk in Tub
Most of us can envision many of the advantages of walk in tubs. Anyone with problems balancing, especially on one foot, will find that they can stay much more secure with a walk in tub. Stepping up and over a regular tub can be downright treacherous as the transfer of weight does not happen immediately and thereby easily pushing someone you love off balance.

Most of us also know that more broken hips happen from a slip and fall in the shower or bathtub than just about anywhere else. Anyone over the age of 50 should consider the installation of walk in tubs to be the installation of a personal safety feature. Women, especially, who run a high risk of developing osteoporosis and other potentially serious conditions should absolutely find safer ways to get clean.

For anyone who faces the problem of limited mobility the safety and security provided by a walk in tub is priceless. This is a wonderful product for our aging population and for anyone who has to face the difficulty of dealing with a physical handicap.

By remodeling your bathroom to suit your changing lifestyle, you won’t have to give up your independence. Curtis Allen Designs builds custom-designed bathrooms that feature a variety of accommodations and accessibilities with a fashionable flair that will reflect your tastes and personality.

Remain in your home while retaining your freedom. Plan ahead! Contact our location nearest you to schedule an estimate today, so that you may enjoy your bathroom tomorrow. Collier and Lee County (239) 418-0011; Charlotte County (941) 627-6085
