Dear Men: T Shots Aren’t Always the Answer….

By Dr. Cynthia Clark, Acupuncture Physician & Applied Clinical Nutritionist President, Longevity Wellness, Creator, Energy Evolution

T ShotsIn recent years, a great amount of attention is being paid to the decline in male testosterone levels. The testosterone level is dropping by about 1% per year. A man today likely has about two-thirds the amount of testosterone his father did at that age. By the next generation, it will likely be half.

What’s causing this? It’s easy to point to the Standard American Diet, and claim that increases in sugar and carbohydrates and less exercise is the culprit. The problem with that theory is that it isn’t just happening in the HUMAN population. It’s also happening in the animal world, and those animals didn’t start eating McDonald’s all of a sudden. The study of alligators from Lake Apopka is key to identifying that we have animals being born with smaller penises, and as a result having a decreased reproduction rate.

This is what happens when testosterone rates decrease: ultimately as a species, we no longer want to propagate. And that’s a BIG problem. Smaller but much more personal problems facing the modern man are accompanying weight gain, brain fog, and hair loss. But there’s another important aspect that decreases, too, and that’s the masculine spirit.

From an Oriental Medicine perspective, we understand that the masculine spirit, known as YANG energy, is responsible for MOVEMENT. It’s indicated by the sun and its bright, shining, warming energy. Medically in the body this is cellular metabolism, which includes the repair and rebuild phase. Inflammation is a result of an interrupted repair and rebuild phase, and can be considered to happen as a result of Yang Deficiency.

Oriental herbs have been effectively used for centuries to bolster Yang energy in men. The careful selection of safe, natural and effective herbs combined together to strengthen only the parts of your body that need strengthening is a powerful way to approach men’s health. Strengthening too much overall can tip things int eh opposite direction and cause problems of dryness and irritation. And let’s face it – none of us like to be told what to do when we know good and well how to do the job already!

Fast results can be had to correct men’s health issues. The key to those results is accurate diagnosis, and to identify in which order the needs of the body need to be addressed. It is necessary to identify which systems are involved: the reproductive system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, immune or lymph system, the pH bioterrain, the cellular communication and vitality, or even the skin.

An accurate diagnosis and correct formulation, for example, might lead one to a formula that restores proper functioning of the Kidney Yang, which would also tend to problems like low back pain, urinary incontinence, waking many times throughout the night, and loose stool. Because the body is all connected, a correct formulation will have side benefits, and correct other existing conditions.

And this would lead to the most important question: what caused this in the first place, and how do I avoid and correct this? One client who came to me was a 78 year old man with low energy, constipated, and couldn’t keep a solid weight on.

After just a few weeks, he was sleeping more solidly, didn’t need a nap during the day, constipation improved, and weight started to return. Another gentleman who was 28 also had low energy, and after a few sessions also experienced significant improvement both in general energy levels and amount of energy available for his relationship.

Having been raised by my dad, men’s health is close to my heart. I treat my gentlemen clients the way I would want my dad treated: expertly, with compassion and respect. I am happy to help you, along with the team of Longevity Wellness: myself: Dr. Cynthia Clark, AP; Dr. Denise Baker, MD; Natalia Garcia, RD; Chuck Pisa, Energy Healer; Charlie Logan, Shamanic Healer; Pastor Ray Foley, Technology Therapist, and Elizabeth A. Wilson, Mindset Medicine.

Longevity Wellness
528 48th Street Court East
Bradenton, FL 34208