Contour Light Therapy for Fat Loss and Body Contouring

Contour Light Therapy for Fat Loss and Body ContouringSo you have problem areas even though you eat right and exercise? Perhaps, you just want your skin to look tighter, or you’d like to lose a few inches from your arms, hips, back stomach or thighs. If you have stubborn love handles or a bulge of some sort here or there, that really bother you, body sculpting via LED light therapy is not a thing of the future. It’s available to help both men and women achieve the results you want.

LED light therapy has been used for many years. It not only regenerates the skin on a surface level, but it actually can penetrate fat cells to make them release fat percentages. Low level red light therapy has evolved into one of the highest in-demand treatments caused by an increased public awareness of many non-surgical, non-invasive options made available by this new and growing technology. The Contour Light can be used on any part of the body; hips, waist, thighs, back, upper arms and neck.1

LED-Based Technology – Redefined
Contour Light is the latest advancement in light emitting diode (LED) technology and is exceptionally effective on all body areas due to its unique pad design. The large, soft and flexible pads will contour to the shape of the human body, allowing the light source to be as close as possible to the skin; the optimum way to deliver photonic energy. The wavelengths of 635nm and 880nm light are emitted by the pads of the Contour Light system, combining the beneficial aspects of both frequencies to attain optimal results.1

The Contour Light incorporates a reflective surface which traps and redirects light energy back into the tissue. Because the reflective coating is only available on the Contour Light, there is no other LED-based system available on the market that delivers and retains more mid-600nm and infrared light energy.1

The protocol associated with the Contour Light system involves simple to follow directions but does not require a strict diet or strenuous exercise. As with any type of weight modifying program, diet and exercise will have an effect on the results, specifically if a person does not make an attempt to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A small amount of exercise and a recommended level of water consumption will help with lymphatic stimulation to optimize results. The Contour Light protocol can help to motivate a person and jumpstart a person’s determination to improve their appearance, making it much easier to attain their goal of a sleeker and leaner profile.1

If you’re ready to explore your options, Contour Light Therapy of Venice has got the answers you’ve been looking for. For a limited time they are offering an introductory session for only $59 (normally: $155)! Drop 2 Inches or Your Session is FREE!

To find out how Contour Light Therapy can Help you Shed those inches and pounds, contact Contour Light Therapy of Venice today at 941-497-7424!

Contour Light Therapy of Venice
4140 Woodmere Park Blvd, Suite #2
Venice, FL, 34293

Source: 1.