Collier Edition

Everyone Wants Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

By Cynthia Perthuis, CDP, CADDCT, CSA Everyone knows transitions, good or bad, cause stress. As a young adult moving away to college or a middle-age adult transitioning into a new career, stress abounds. In the past five years, Senior Care Authority has supported close to 10,000 families as they navigated the aging process. We’ve helped our clients determine when it’s …

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National Nutrition Month: What You Really Need to Know


By Dr. linell king The pillars of health are all connected. One is not the answer to all your health conditions and longevity goals. The foundations of health include physical activity, reducing stress, improving sleep, socialization, and contribution to society and nutrition. Nutrition alone will rarely solve all issues, but it is a primary pillar for overall health and wellbeing …

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The intersection of sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression


By Richard Capiola, MD Sleep disorders are common among individuals with anxiety and depression, as well as those with insomnia. These conditions can cause significant distress and impact daily functioning. However, there are effective treatments available that can help alleviate symptoms and improve sleep. For individuals with anxiety and depression, treatment typically involves a combination of therapy and medication. Cognitive …

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Demand and the Interest Rate

Interest Rate

By Robert Nardi, Broker/Owner In the first year after a two-year interruption in regular activity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Naples real estate market is stable in terms of value. Still, buyers have fewer homes to choose from, and prices have elevated. As pandemic restrictions loosened in 2022, sellers and buyers pivoted their attention from the housing market to …

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The Mediterranean Diet Lowers Risk for Vision Loss

Mediterranean Diet

Dr. Katia Taba, Board-Certified Ophthalmologist and Retinal Specialist Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss and blindness in aging adults. More than 10 million Americans have some form of Aging Macular Degeneration (AMD), and unfortunately, there is still no cure for the disease. The retina becomes damaged, and vision loss occurs as the cells of the macula begin …

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Are you getting enough sleep?

enough sleep

By Melissa Stanley R.N., B.S.N. Probably not…according to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 15% of adults are not getting enough sleep, and 50 – 70 million Americans have chronic sleep disorders. The CDC recommends that adults get 7 hours or more of sleep each night and that’s not just your time in bed that’s good quality sleep. Signs of …

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Oral Health: Are You Overdue For Your Exam? Regular Dental Visits Are Important

Dental health and proactive measures are essential. Staying on top of your dental health through cleanings, x-rays, and dental examinations are critical to avoid in-depth procedures and to maintain a healthy mouth that’s free of decay, bacteria, and oral cancer. Are you overdue for a dental cleaning and exam? Periodontal disease is caused by bacteria that harbors deep within the …

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A Holistic Approach to Heart Healthy Eating: Nourishing Your Body and Mind

Healthy Eating

When it comes to heart health, many of us focus solely on what we eat. While a heart-healthy diet is undoubtedly crucial, a holistic approach to heart health considers not only the food we consume but also our overall lifestyle, emotional wellbeing, and social connections. In this article, we will discuss how a holistic approach to heart healthy eating can …

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High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

By Dr. linell king High blood pressure (hypertension) is called the “silent killer” for good reason. It often has no symptoms but is a major risk of heart disease and stroke. And these diseases are among the leading causes of death in the United States. Almost half of U.S. adults have high blood pressure. Your blood pressure is measured in …

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How to Increase Employee Retention and Well-Being

Employee Retention

By Cynthia Perthuis, CDP, CADDCT, CSA Organizations can improve their bottom-line by actively supporting workers who double as caregivers for older adults. Did you know that if one of your valued employees were to leave, it would cost your business up to two times their annual salary to hire and train a replacement? And this doesn’t even begin to address …

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