Collier Edition

The Link Between Stress and Cancer

By Colin E. Champ, MD, CSCS – Radiation Oncologist Stress is your body’s normal and natural response to a perceived threat. It can be good or bad. Stress can drive you to accomplish things and it can help you to avoid danger, or it can cause you to pull out your hair and make you look old before your time. …

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Alcohol’s effect on relationships

By Richard Capiola, MD Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances in the world. While alcohol is a legal substance and is often used in social situations, it can also be highly addictive and can have significant negative effects on mental health and relationships. Alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism, is a chronic disease characterized by the inability …

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Choose Your Cardiovascular Specialist Wisely

Each year millions of patients are faced with cardiovascular conditions. Whether your heart and vascular disorder require surgery or mini-minimally invasive procedures, choosing a cardiovascular specialist should not be taken lightly. Making sure the physician you select has the credentials and experience necessary is essential, and when it comes to healing your body, and reducing future risk, finding the best …

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A Coping and Life Skills Summer Camp for Teens

Hello Gems! We invite you to come join a safe space where we will  nurture your  mind, heart, and soul while providing tools that will help you practice and aid your social and emotional development. This week summer camp program will help you develop self awareness and help you to better understand and relate to others’ perspectives. We will work …

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If You Have Missing Teeth, Your Health Can be Affected: What You Should Know

Missing Teeth

When an extraction is necessary, it’s because the structure of the tooth is too weak to support a crown or restoration, or it may be due to the bone loss and periodontal disease within the supporting gingival tissue. Bacteria often goes unnoticed under crowns, bridges or within root canaled teeth, unless x-rays are taken. When the bacteria harbors for long …

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Have a Sensitive Stomach? IV Vitamin Infusions Can Help


By Emily Stephen “I have a sensitive stomach, so I can’t take any vitamins.” I understand this wholeheartedly after over 20 years of dealing with Ulcerative Colitis. Gastrointestinal discomfort is common. People with acid reflux, IBS, Celiac, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease and indigestion in general often find it hard to take vitamins. How do you stay nourished if you can’t …

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Dear Chef For Seniors Community, With the ever-changing COVID-19 situation we want to assure you that Chefs For Seniors is committed to the health and safety of our clients, franchise owners, employees, and local communities. At Chefs For Seniors, we continue to reinforce the highest standards of safe food handling practices as well as guidelines set forth by the CDC. …

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Your Clean Home is Our Business

Clean Home

Did you know that a cleaning service company can do so much more than keep your home clean? Did you know that a service like this can actually help to reduce the amount of stress that you are suffering from? Let me explain. Cleaning takes a lot out of you. I mean, even the slightest clean to your home can …

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Health Insurance Important Dates!

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 HEALTH INSURANCE is more important than ever! There is no way to determine when something will happen or when you could be diagnosed with a serious medical condition. So, saying I am healthy, so I don’t need health insurance makes no sense. Insurance is moving the financial risk from you to …

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Improving Communication for Cancer Patients with Hearing or Language Impairments

Cancer Patients

By Dr. Graciela Garton When a patient receives a serious medical diagnosis like cancer, it can trigger a flood of questions – how the disease progresses, what may stop its spread, how to cope with the emotions that accompany diagnosis and treatment, and what important healthcare decisions lie ahead. For most, there are a variety of resources available where answers …

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