Collier Edition

Progesterone, PMS and Weight Loss STEP INTO THE SPOT LIGHT

with Teresa Sievers, MD, MSMS, FAARM and Karen Callan BA, CHHC, AADP Dear Dr. Sievers, I am 42 years old and although I have always experienced the usual symptoms of PMS, lately they’ve gotten worse. I find myself anxious, irritable and have difficulty sleeping. My cravings for sugar and salt are out of control and it’s sabotaging my weight loss …

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A Better Body in 20 Minutes Per Week

By Concept 10 10 – Concept 10 10 is the exercise revolution. Serious, scientifically based and only about results! The Exercise Revolution of the Century The pace of life today may be fast and hectic, but the best way to improve fitness is to take things slowly; this is the basic behind Concept 10 10, the exercise revolution of the …

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Why so Tired? Top 5 Reasons You’re Struggling with Sleep

By Kara Jacobs – Darker mornings and lighter evenings always seem to put a wrench in our sleeping schedule when spring time rolls around each year. However, could more serious conditions be contributing to your sleepless nights? It can be hard to tell if you just had a rough night of sleep or if it might be a chronic condition …

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Is Your Diet Worsening Your Seasonal Allergies?

By Leela Lavasani MD – Allergy Season is in full bloom right now and many of our noses know it.  One in five of us in the United States are allergy sufferers and, unfortunately here in Florida, we seldom get a break from it.  Our pollen counts are some of the highest in the country.  Symptoms of allergies can include …

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Prevention & Early Detection Of Stomach Cancer

By Shardul A. Nanavati, MD – At one time, stomach cancer was the most common type of cancer known in the United States. As the years progressed, the disease became less common among patients. While there are no definitive answers as to why, it’s thought to be related to the decline in salted or smoked food intake. Even with the …

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Compounded Testosterone Gel Optimizes Hormone Level

Testosterone is the major male sex hormone responsible for the normal growth and development of the male sex organs and secondary sex characteristics. These effects include development of the prostate, penis, and scrotum; distribution of facial, pubic, chest and axillary hair, development of a deep voice and alterations in muscle mass and fat distribution. Low production of testosterone leads to …

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When Your Agent Cares…

Did you know that 56 percent of the American population overestimate the cost of long term care coverage?  According to the statistics from the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, most Americans predicted that the annual cost for a long-term care insurance premium covering a healthy 55 year-old couple to be $7,000.00, when, in actuality, the correct annual  cost is …

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Why People REALLY Go to the Doctor and Why Acupuncture is a Surprising Alternative

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP – The most common reasons that people in the U.S. go to the doctor may surprise you.  You may also be surprised that Acupuncture offers a great complementary or alternative treatment approach to every one of these disorders. 1.    Skin disorders: Acne, eczema, and sebaceous cysts topped the list and brought the most …

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The Use of an Automated External Defibrillator: Is Your Community Association Immune From Civil Liability?

By Lauren S. Josephson, Esq. – Avast majority of community associations around the nation offer the use of certain health club facilities to their members unaware of the fact that people are 15 to 20 times more likely to die of sudden cardiac arrest during vigorous exercise, or within 30 minutes following it.1  Therefore, a community association offering the use …

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Exciting Classes Offered All Summer Learn Something New or Sharpen Your Skills

If you’re the type of person who is interested in learning a new hobby, brushing up on old skills, or simply increasing your knowledge about particular topics, then you are in luck! Collier County residents are all welcome to participate in various classes offered through the Adult & Community Education Office. Chances are, there’s a class for something that you …

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