Collier Edition

The REAL Marriage Problem Meets GRACE

By Terry Hoskins, Oasis Counseling – Most premarital counseling that is available today has been watered down to nothing more than personality tests and communication techniques which is doing very little to prepare two sinners for becoming one until death do us part. My marriage is where it’s at today in spite of the premarital counseling we received not because …

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Prostate Specific Antigen Inaccurate Blood Test Versus Lifesaving Screening Tool

By William M. Figlesthaler, M.D. – Prostate cancer screening has received a great deal of press over the past decade or two. The introduction of the prostate specific antigen blood test (PSA) in the late ’80s has resulted in a significant number of prostate cancers being diagnosed at early clinical stages. In fact, each year over 200,000 cases of prostate …

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Ask the Audiologist

By Timothy J. Roupas, Au.D. – Q: Is it true that everyone loses their hearing as we age? A: Some individuals retain good hearing sensitivity throughout adulthood.  However, the prevalence of hearing loss does increase with age: Approximately 15% of younger adults under age 65 have hearing loss Approximately 30% of adults over age 65 have hearing loss Approximately 50% …

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Minimally Invasive Gynecology Procedures

Q&A with Physicians Regional Doctors: Taparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery has become the mainstream in operating rooms across the United States. The field of gynecologic surgery is no exception, as minimally invasive gynecology surgeries have gained enormous momentum within recent years. Advances in computer technology and laparoscopic instruments have allowed surgeons to offer a minimally invasive approach to a much …

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Jolie Shines Spotlight on Women’s Health Issues Breast Cancer Prevention

– brought to you by Physicians Regional Healthcare System Angelina Jolie’s decision to go public with her choice to undergo a preventative double mastectomy has unexpectedly elevated breast cancer prevention and awareness on a grand scale. Typically, this level of media exposure is only witnessed each October in recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In a recent New York …

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Can a Chiropractor Help You Reach and Maintain Proper Weight?

Since obesity is on the rise and affects so many Americans, it is no surprise that alternative treatments are being researched and studied. Even when following a weight loss plan, many people have difficulty losing weight and keeping it off. Having excessive weight can pose many health threats like cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, diabetes, colon cancer, and gall bladder disease. …

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Commonly Asked Vein Questions

By Dr. John P. Landi, MD, FACS, RPVI, RPhS, Diplomate of The American Board of Phlebology – Varicose and Spider Veins affect millions of people throughout the world. Over the last ten years the treatment of both Varicose and Spider Veins has changed drastically. Initially, the only available treatment for Varicose Veins was a radical surgical procedure called “Ligation and …

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What Micronutrients Are and Their Role in Your Health

By James Porcelli, M.D. – Micronutrients are what are commonly referred to as “vitamins and minerals.” Micronutrients include such minerals as flouride, selenium, sodium, iodine, copper and zinc. They also include vitamins such as vitamin C, A, D, E and K, as well as the B-complex vitamins. Micronutrients are essential for good health, and micronutrient deficiencies can cause serious health …

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Perfect Your FACE

By: Alina Stanciu, MD, FAAO – When choosing the best age reversing procedure for you there are four elements to consider: results, price downtime and pain. The most common areas of the face that people want to correct are; droopy brows, under eye bags, nasolabial folds, and thin lips. Here are some tips that Dr. Stanciu recommends as a solution …

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5 Ways to Eat Smart at BBQ Cookouts

Beat those BBQ blues and leave with a lighter step by following these 5 tips to sample suavely at your next summer cookout. Anytime is a great time to BBQ, especially in summer while the kids are free from school and family and friends all try to beat the heat by soaking in the pool, or by skipping through sprinklers.  …

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