Collier Edition

Are the Summer Rains Making Your Bones Ache?

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP – Are the summer rains are making your bones ache?  If so, then acupuncture might be just what you need to get the relief you desire.   In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a subset of osteoarthritis, known as “Fixed Bone Bi”.  This particular type of osteoarthritis is characterized by soreness, numbness and heaviness …

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Are You Feeling a Little… Off Balance?

By Michael Kasimier, PT, DPT – Miranda sat and watched the sun sink low into the western sky from the boardwalk overlooking her favorite stretch of beach. The late afternoon sun reflected off the textured gulf waters, creating a thousand tiny twinkling stars across the sea. Sunset was her time, time to thoughtfully reflect on events of the day, and …

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Reverse Pain, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Inflammation NATURALLY!

By Yollo Wellness – Learn about YOLLO Therapy and their treatments for these debilitating diseases. Whether you are tired of trying unsuccessful traditional treatment options or you are looking to avoid a treatment plan full of medications, following the individualized protocol developed by the team at YOLLO will help you take control of your health in a natural way. “You …

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Believe It or Not, You are Not Invincible!

By George T. Leamon, CLTC – Lutgert Insurance – There are four types of People in this world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are caregivers. Those who will need a caregiver. Those who will be a caregiver. – Roslyn Carter For most people, death is not an easy subject. It is uncomfortable thinking about no longer being alive, …

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When Your Agent Cares…

Did you know that 56 percent of the American population overestimate the cost of long term care coverage? According to the statistics from the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, most Americans predicted that the annual cost for a long-term care insurance premium covering a healthy 55 year-old couple to be $7,000.00, when, in actuality, the correct annual cost is …

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Is Bursitis Causing Your Pain?

Chiropractic Care Offers Effective Non-invasive Relief Are you bothered by persistent pain near the major joints in the body? Bursae are fluid filled sacks that are in the elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, and Achilles tendons.  Due to stress, overuse, or injury to any of these joints the sac or bursa may swell, causing a painful condition called bursitis.  Various activities …

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Is Your Tooth Fractured or Broken?

By Dr. Marcelo W. Mattschei, DDS – Healthy teeth are extremely strong; however they can chip, crack (fracture) or break. Unfortunately, this can happen in several ways: • Biting down on something hard • Accidents or trauma to the face or mouth • Cavities or poor hygiene may weaken the tooth When a tooth chips or breaks, it may not …

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Taking Stock in the Health and Longevity of Your Business

By Blake W. Kirkpatrick – Ok, so you eat right, get a reasonable amount of sleep, maybe even exercise regularly, however,…does your business partner or key employee do the same?  Maybe it is you that falls short in the health category.  Either way, both scenarios point to critical reasons for having a good business succession plan if you own a …

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When Mom Has Alzheimer’s Disease

Okay, I’ll admit it: I thought I knew a lot about hospice after years of volunteering for Avow. But when my own wonderful mother became an Avow patient, I finally understood what it’s like to need the kind of care Avow offers … and I did need it, badly, as much as she did. Mom started showing signs of Alzheimer’s …

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By Dr. Rich Bimler, Lutheran Life Communities – July is a great time to assess our daily life styles! As we age, and we ARE all aging, right now, a prime Holy Habit is to evaluate how we are spending our time, how we are treating our bodies, and, in general, how we are living  hope-filled lives in body, mind, …

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