Collier Edition


By Amy Hartwell, MS OTR/L CLT – Life-saving breast -cancer treatments including, but not limited to, the various forms of surgical interventions, sentinel lymph node and/or axillary lymph node dissection and other treatments such as radiation treatments may lead to an impaired functioning of the lymphatic system with resultant secondary symptoms including a diagnosis of Lymphedema.  When the lymphatic system …

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Knee Pain Does Not Mean You Need Knee Replacement Surgery

By Physicians Rehabilitation – A person with knee pain knows how often it gets in the way of doing the things they want and need to do in daily life. Because the knee is a weight bearing joint, knee pain affects almost everything we do that requires mobility, including those things most of us have usually taken for granted. For …

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SW Florida Now Has a Urogynecologist, Ladies, Learn What This Means to You!

Incontinence and pelvic floor problems are remarkably common but many women are reluctant to receive help because of the embarrassment associated with these conditions. Until recently, when women would seek help for these conditions there were few good options to treat them.  Due to the tremendous advancements made in the last decade in the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions …

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Are You Ready for Sinusitis Season?

By Kevin P. Rosenbach, M.D. at CareOne HealthCare – Fall is here and while some people are enjoying the colorful leaves and the crisp fall air, approximately 31 million Americans are suffering through the beginning of sinusitis season. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses, which are hollow cavities within the cheek bones around the eyes and behind the …

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Change your eating habits for better health and get your weight under control with New Beginnings hCG Weight-loss Protocol

By Sharon C Sullivan, Clinic Director   New Beginnings hCG clinics SW Florida – Nova Medical SWF, Inc.  – It’s October and any day now our roads will be busy and offices and shops packed.  2013 was going to be different, you were going to make changes: losing 25 pounds, increasing your exercise, reading more books, etc.   It isn’t too late.  …

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Connect the Dots

The Connection Between Inflammation and Breast Cancer By Yollo Wellness – We’ve known for quite some time that inflammation and cancer have shared some sort of functional relationship. In fact, it was in 1863 that a German pathologist named Rudolph Virchow first hypothesized that the origin of cancer was at sites of chronic inflammation. Now it seems that modern science …

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European Face Lift

Minimally Invasive Face Sculpting & Lifting By: Alina Stanciu, MD Board Certified Ophthalmologist American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Mini-Facial procedures are in more demand to satisfy the need of the modern women who has less time for surgical procedures and higher expectations for natural and quicker results in maintaining a younger looking face. With this is mind Dr. Stanciu developed …

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Retirees Ill Prepared to Pay Long-Term Health Care Costs

By George T. Leamon, CLTC – Lutgert Insurance The high cost of long-term health care will drag down the quality of life for nearly two-thirds of today’s retirees. It can cost well over $77,000 a year for a nursing home room and upwards of $10,000 per month for 24 hr. in-home care, expenses that many people are ill prepared to …

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By Dr. Rich Bimler, Lutheran Life Communities – Researchers in Australia have recently released a survey which reports that caffeine makes people more open to listening and trying to understand other peoples’ opinions and ideas. We coffee guzzlers would probably say we knew this all along, right? This study alone should encourage us to visit our local Starbucks  store regularly, …

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Do Trials Shape You Or Break You?

By Terry Hoskins, Pastor of the Family Church – Pain and suffering finds us regardless of who we are and is indeed a central part of the human experience. You may have everything this world has to offer like millions of dollars, cars, houses, and boats, yet when trials come, all the stuff of the world leaves you feeling empty. …

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