Collier Edition


Two adjectives to promote good health and well-being for mind, body & soul. It is important to maintain healthy eating and fitness habits to help combat every type of illness and disease. As part of Breast Cancer Awareness month and Physical Therapy Awareness month, we want to stress how easy it can be to stay in good shape and good …

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What is Pharmaceutical Compounding? And How Does it Benefit You?

Compounding is the art of preparing medications that are customized to meet the specific needs of each individual patient. Compounding allows physicians to modify dosing for patients who may need more or less of the drug than what is commercially available.  The goal of a compounding pharmacy is to obtain the best results for the patient by working closely with …

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Refresh Your Skin

And look your best for the upcoming holiday season – Now that the summer is over, it’s time to take a good look at your skin. Even with good sunscreen, it’s easy to develop brown spots, discoloration, dullness and dehydrated skin after a summer of sun and fun. Autumn is a great time to refresh skin care routines and make …

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Eliminate Back Pain and Increase Strength in Only 20 Minutes a Week

By Concept 10 10 – A startling, 80 percent of adults will fall victim to low back pain at some point in their lives. It is the most common cause of disability for people before the age of forty-five, and second only to the common cold as a cause for a visit to the doctor. We must have a strong …

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How to Get Obamacare to Work in Your Favor

By Laura Kitay – Historically, securing a health insurance policy could have been difficult for you if you have a pre-existing condition. If you have a pre-existing condition, you may have been declined for coverage, or offered a policy with an increased premium or exclusion riders that eliminate coverage for pre-existing conditions. But all of this is changing in 2014… …

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Probate and the Sale of Real Property – Title Issues

By Lauren S. Josephson – Buyer Beware – Key Title Issues to Be Aware of as a Result of the Purchase and Sale of Probate Real Property Factual Example:  Jane Doe, the sole owner of homestead property located in Florida passes away and has three (3) living children, Adam, Benjamin and Claire.  Jane Doe also had one (1) child who …

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VICTUS Cataract Surgery Laser precision

 Great vision. Designed with your comfort in mind. The cataract laser technology of tomorrow is here for you today. The VICTUS laser offers new levels of safety, accuracy, and predictability to cataract surgery. The science of cataract surgery is getting better all the time. Innovative technology designed to make the procedure more accurate and comfortable is now available! You may …

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Maintaining Good Oral Health During Cancer Therapy

By Dr. Juan Teodoro – Regular periodontal care and routine dental cleanings are important for all of us. However, it is even more so for a cancer patient that is undergoing chemotherapy, radiation or bone marrow transplantation. These cancer therapies typically cause oral complications that compromise the patient’s teeth and the gum health. A visit to the Periodontist is of …

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Expanding Your Horizons

Whether you are interested in continuing your education to boost your career or simply want to broaden your awareness, adult education classes can prove to be a goldmine of knowledge.  Collier County Residents are all welcome to participate in various classes offered through The Adult & Community Education Office. If you are looking to learn a new craft, sharpen your …

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Arthritis of the Foot and Ankle

By Myles Rubin Samotin, MD – Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon, Fellowship Trained in Foot and Ankle – To understand foot and ankle arthritis and how it affects us, we must first understand the basic anatomy of the foot and ankle.  Amazingly, the foot and ankle are comprised of 28 bones and 30 joints! However, arthritis mostly affects a few specific …

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