Collier Edition

New Year’s Resolutions and Lasting Change

As we begin the new year it is good to reflect on the meaning and purpose of our life, considering  our  overall  fulfillment  and  joy.  Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”  An honest evaluation will most likely reveal that we could improve and grow in certain areas.  Maybe some want to begin to lose weight, others may …

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“No Trillion Dollar National Debt!”

– Bumper sticker from 1981 – Recently I was having coffee with an office neighbor here and he brought up the subject of the national debt. For ease when the subject came up I’d just round up to $17 trillion. I couldn’t quite keep up with the debt-o-meter. I’m now rounding to $20 trillion for the sake of discussion. This …

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Specialists Take the Stress Out of Long-Term Care

By George T. Leamon, CLTC – Lutgert Insurance – Stress is the result of several different rationales, but there is one area in which many have fallen prey at least once before…stress from procrastination.  Procrastination is a major source of stress, but when you combine personal tragedy and procrastination, you have a real nightmare. Sound like the ultimate stressful situation?  …

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Concept 10 10

At Concept 10 10, you work out once a week with high intensity, totally private and with constant supervision. The following article describes what is going on in such a training session. Intensity Ideally, every exercise should be repeated until it is impossible to continue movement in a technically correct manner, that is, until the involved muscles fail. At this …

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By Dr. Rich Bimler, Lutheran Life Communities – December is a great month to Remember – to remember to Reflect, Relax, Re-connect, Refresh, Receive, Renew, Recognize, Reach, Redefine, Reminisce, Rejoice and even to consider Random acts of kindness! Let’s Review these together:   Reflect – on all of the blessings that came our way this past year, and let us …

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Great Joy

By Jodi Thomas – I have a confession to make.  When I first see Christmas decorations at the beginning of November, I feel a wave of anxiety come over me. Some of you think that’s crazy.  For you, Christmas is truly “the most wonderful time of the year.”  Like my friend, Debbie—who literally wants to leave her Christmas tree up …

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Are You at Risk for Diabetes?

Dr. Gary Gendron, BS, DC, CCN, CCSP, DACBN, DCBCN Certified Clinical Nutritionist Diplomate American Clinical Board of Nutrition According to obesity statistics from the CDC in 2012, 42% of the U.S. population will be obese by 2030. Health effects will cost the government $550 billion. Total cost of type 2 diabetes related to obesity, $98 billion (2001). The American Journal …

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Do you know where your nurse, cosmetologist, auto tech or favorite chef was trained?  Most likely at Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology.  As a part of the public school system, Lorenzo Walker Institute is one of Collier County’s best kept secrets! Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology (LWIT) is a postsecondary school where the average student age is 28.  Classes range …

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Surprising Facts About Hospice Care

Contributed by Avow – November is National Hospice Month – a time for us to thank the nurses, chaplains, social workers and other caregivers in southwest Florida who bring comfort and peace to our friends and family members at end of life. It’s also an opportunity to compare myths about hospice with reality to see how much we really know …

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One-On-One Personal Training

Finding a workout that is the perfect challenge and provides optimal results for your fitness level can be daunting and may lead to a waste of time and money. The Perfect 10 Strength Training in downtown Naples provides one-on-one personal training tailored to the specific needs of the clients. Whether you’re looking for a strength training program to offer you …

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