Collier Edition

MLS® Laser Therapy

The wave of the future in pain management. Manage pain. Reduce inflammation. Speed recovery. When a physical condition or injury affects mobility or quality of life, there is one goal: A rapid return to every day activities. We are proud to be on the medical technological forefront by offering MLS Laser Therapy. We have invested in the very best technology …

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FORGETFULNESS: when is it NOT normal and why?

By Dr. David D. Rawlings, PhD – We all tend to experience forgetfulness from time to time. You have had them just like I have. Those, “senior moments” that tend to be slightly annoying such as misplacing your keys, not remembering what you went into a room for, forgetting that one item at the grocery store, forgetting the name of …

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Lower Back Pain

By Dr. Jennifer Moses D.C. – Let’s take a closer look at the varying forms of sciatica, its causes, and how CHIROPRACTIC adjustments can help both with pain relief and correcting  the root cause of the symptoms. About 60-80 % of the adult U.S. population has lower back pain.  It is the second most common reason people go to the …

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Are Implants For You?

Many patients have heard of dental implants even though they may not undertand what they are. Rarely, however, do patients know the significant benefits to their health and well-being that implants can provide. The first step in discussing implants with patients is to educate them about these very real benefits. • Bone Resorption and Esthetics • Patients who have lost …

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Leg/Limb Swelling Causes and Treatments

By Patrick Rich – One of the most common issues among older patients is chronic limb swelling; swelling in the feet, ankles, calves, and arms. Any limb swelling whatsoever is often indicative of an overloaded lymphatic system (Lymphedema affects approximately 140 million people worldwide) or a weakened Venus return system (commonly known as CVI or Chronic Venus Insufficiency). While Insurance/Medicare …

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Acupuncture Successfully Treats Tennis & Golfer’s Elbow

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP – What is Tennis & Golfer’s Elbow? If you are experiencing pain in the elbow or forearm or if your golf or tennis game is suffering, I have good news for you. Acupuncture can alleviate the pain you are experiencing so you can get back to the activities that you enjoy. Many people …

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“To achieve happiness in life, first you’ve got to get rid of the turkeys.”

-Bob Kraft, owner New England Patriots, on CNBC, 6-13-2008 – The beginning of a new year can be a catalyst to personal improvement. What advice would I give my kids if they asked? For better or worse the human side of life is inextricably interwoven with the financial side. Ignore one to the other’s peril. On one end are the …

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By Gary Wilson, Esq. – Recently the Buyers I represent have two major concerns. First, they want to know that they are not overpaying for the home or investment property that they are purchasing and, second, they want assurance that the property does not have any hidden surprises.  A good purchase contract and a professional real estate attorney can help …

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Gynecologic Cosmetic Surgery

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG – “Vaginal rejuvenation”, “revirgination”, and “vaginal tightening” are all terms used to address the recent trend of gynecologic cosmetic surgery.  These procedures, by other names, have been around for decades.  Many unsubstantiated claims have been made by the surgeons who perform these types of procedures, and health care consumers need to be wary of what …

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Edison State College Dental Hygiene Program Addressing the Dental Divide in Southwest Florida

By Marie A. Collins, RDH, MS, EdD, Dean, School of Health Professions – Edison State College February is National Dental Health Month! The American Dental Association (ADA) has identified a major dental health crisis in America, especially for adults and children with lower incomes. The Affordable Care Act will offer little to no relief for these Americans who do not …

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