Collier Edition

Do Sunglasses Really Protect My Eyes?

Chronic exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight has been implicated in a number of serious ocular diseases, including growths on the conjunctiva called pinguecula and pterygia, cataracts and possibly age-related macular degeneration. Eye Protection is Key Eye protection is the cornerstone of good ocular health. Recent research has shown that the time of maximum risk for ultraviolet radiation (UVR) damage …

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Your Thyroid Gland Is More Important Than You Think The Skin, The Thyroid and More

When you think of skin, people generally don’t think about the thyroid gland. But the two are closely related. If not enough thyroid hormone is produced, then dry itchy skin, along with cracks in the fingertips and hands (especially in winter) can be a consequence. Thyroid dysfunction is when the thyroid gland, a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base …

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By Andrew S. Bennett – It’s not uncommon for those organizing a business entity to be so focused on getting the ball rolling that they miss the part about routine maintenance. Under Florida law, business entities must submit an “Annual Report” to the Florida Secretary of State each year. Sometimes, business entities are caught off guard when the State requests …

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When Grief Strikes, Local Help is Available

Contributed by Avow – It was the spilled spaghetti sauce that made Anthony finally break into tears over the loss of his wife, Marie. During their 47-year marriage, she’d done all the cooking, laundry, housecleaning and even bill paying.  Anthony had been lost in the weeks since her passing – not just from missing her, but from being overwhelmed by …

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You Are What You Digest

By Yollo Wellness – Everyone’s digestive system is unique. Understanding your digestive health and issues is essential to living healthy. The expression “you are what you eat” would best be explained as “you are what you DIGEST”. Understanding your digestive health and how it impacts your entire body’s functioning system directly relates to how you feel on a day to …

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Helping Your Child Choose the Best College While Selecting the Best Financial Options

By Dr. Christine Davis – Edison State College – As your son/daughter pre-pares to enter college, you will have plenty of questions.  Which college should they attend?  What should they select as their major?  How will we pay for college?  Luckily, there are many options and resources available to assist in making these decisions. When deciding on the college that …

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Should I be Thinking about Long-Term Care Insurance?

By George T. Leamon, CLTC – Lutgert Insurance – How About A Plan That Will Give You 100% of Your Premium Back if You Never Need it? Chances are, you are like the majority of individuals who have reached middle age. The primary concerns in your life are paying your monthly bills, making sure your children receive good education, as …

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Deal with the Fear First

By Alex Anderson Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church Not long ago I asked my wife a drilling question, “What would be the most important advice you could give to another person who ‘just found out’ that they had cancer?”  She went completely silent for a few moments, then looked straight into my eyes and without a hint of …

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What Are The Causes Of Abnormal Forgetting?

By Dr. David D. Rawlings, PhD – In my last article, we talked about what was normal forgetting and what was not! We also talked about some of the possible sources for forgetfulness such as a sleep disturbance (e.g., sleep apnea), vitamin Bl2 deficiency, an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), alcohol consumption, anxiety and depression, as well as metabolic changes (e.g., electrolyte …

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Dental Implications of Bisphosphonate Therapy

By Dr. Joseph Farag – In recent years some attention has been given to the osteoporosis medications called bisphosphonates and their complications with dental surgery, namely extractions and implants. Some recent research is helping doctors understand the relationship between some of these drugs and the dental complications that may be a result of taking them. Osteoporosis is the result of …

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