Collier Edition

A Pain Free New Year: Avoiding Injuries When Starting a Fitness Routine

It’s a new year and like many others, you set out with the best of intentions to create a fitness or weight loss routine to counteract the consumption of all those holiday treats, eggnog, cocktails, and even that whole fruitcake you won’t admit you ate as a midnight snack. Or, perhaps the guilt has set in from spending the past …

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Cervical Cancer Awareness

Cervical cancer is a fast-growing disease that can lead to death if not caught in its pre-stages. Years ago, cervical cancer was a leading cause of death in women. Those statistics have changed. In fact, diagnosing precancerous cervical lesions is now more common; this is achieved through preventative pap smear tests. Women that receive annual Pap tests are preventing cervical and …

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5 Easy-to-Keep New Year’s Resolutions for Caregivers

Yes. It’s another New Year’s resolution article. But don’t stress. This one has nothing to do with losing weight, clearing clutter, or managing your money. You’ll find these New Year’s resolutions for caregivers easy -even fun-to keep. Because they can help you reduce stress, live more mindfully in the new year, and take care of nagging concerns. 1. Carve out time …

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New Year, New You: Resolve to Make 2019 a Year of Change

By Greg Pascucci January offers a fresh, new opportunity to reflect on your goals for 2019. While resolutions are encouraged, it’s important to make them measurable and quantifiable in order to stay motivated. According to a survey completed by older adults, the following five resolutions were cited most frequently: 1. Stay Fit and Healthy Studies have shown that regular exercise …

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Diabetic Wound Care: Getting Treatment Early is Essential

Michael J. Petrocelli, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S., C.W.S.P. Board Certified Ankle and Foot Surgeon and Board Certified Wound Care Specialist In the US nearly 30 million people have diabetes, and a vast majority of our population unknowingly has what’s known as prediabetes, which quickly escalates into the disease within a short amount of time. Millions of people with diabetes will suffer from …

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Frantz Cosmetic Center is Helping Patients Look their Best

By William W. Ehrlich, MD, FAACS, Oculofacial & Cosmetic Surgeon One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to improve the way we look – whether that’s losing weight or improving our appearance in other ways.  Most often our appearance doesn’t match the true expectations that we have of ourselves. I recently joined the medical team at Frantz EyeCare …

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Promising ‘New’ Therapy For Parkinson’s Disease

By Dr. Robert Gilliland, DC In October 2008 the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of PEMF therapy for treatment of major depressive disorder in Parkinson’s Disease patients who failed to achieve satisfactory improvement from very high dosages of antidepressant medications. Several studies reported PEMF therapy improved cognitive functions and motor symptoms. For example, an investigation involving three elderly Parkinson’s …

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ED: It’s Important to Seek Treatment Early Don’t Just Mask Your Symptoms

By Dr. Viviana Cuberos Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is deeply related to vascular health. Many men that begin to experience ED have little idea that they need to treat the arteriosclerosis in the penis as well as in their body. Most standard medical practitioners will start a man on the “little blue pill,” but this only masks the symptoms of ED …

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Integrative Health Coaches Spearhead Spirituality in Mental Health Care

Despite the massive research findings indicating the importance of spirituality in health and wellness, it has been largely neglected in the mental healthcare system. Integrating spirituality into healthcare brings joy and meaning into the lives of children, teenagers, parents, and the elderly in magnificent ways. Physicians, admittedly state that they don’t have the time to discuss spirituality with patients. This along …

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Hair transplants used to be one of the only ways that men and women could restore hair growth then, a few decades ago hair follicle implantation became all the rage. The downfall of both of these procedures is multifocal. They are costly, have a large failure rate, and very often women are ineligible for the procedures all together due to …

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