Collier Edition

Look Beyond New Year’s Resolutions for Overall Health

Look Beyond New Year’s Resolutions for Overall Health

By Greg Pascucci The New Year is synonymous with making resolutions—from quitting smoking to dieting to lose weight. For Elsie Fessler, a resident at The Carlisle Naples, an active retirement community, January is a great time for self-reflection to determine how to be a better version of herself. “Unfortunately, when you make ‘general’ goals for the year, those plans don’t …

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Shoulder Pain: Rotator Cuff Repair & Surgical Options

Shoulder Pain: Rotator Cuff Repair & Surgical Options

Living in Florida provides gorgeous weather throughout the entire year, which allows for an active lifestyle. But with all of this healthy activity, many individuals are more prone to injury and wear and tear. Your shoulder is a combination of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles that provide an extensive range of motion in common everyday tasks, as well as in …

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Dinner With The Doctor: “Weight Loss For 2020”

Dinner With The Doctor: “Weight Loss For 2020”

By Dr. Linell King It is astoundingly difficult to hold someone’s attention for more than five minutes these days. That’s why I’m taking a unique approach as a physician: inviting you to dinner in the company of others who want to learn more about how to achieve greater health, lose the excess weight in 2020, and improve their quality of …

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Combating Depression: 3 Innovative Ways of Managing Depression

Combating Depression: 3 Innovative Ways of Managing Depression

Depression is a common but serious mood disorder that affects nearly 15 million people in the United States. Depression often either goes untreated or is managed with different kinds of oral medications such as, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Most of these medications take several weeks before a …

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How to Successfully Achieve Your New Year’s Goals This Year

How to Successfully Achieve Your New Year’s Goals This Year

Did you know that out of the millions of people that set New Year Resolution goals, 92% fail? Why do so many individuals quit, fall short or never follow through? The biggest obstacle is setting unrealistic goals. Instead of deciding to run 5 miles a day, resolving to take the stairs, work out 3 to 5 times per week, or …

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How to Alleviate Anxiety and Depression Naturally

The intriguing anatomy and process of our brains help us to better understand the production of fear, anxiety, worry and the decision to take flight or to fight. Although medical professionals are still discovering new reasons for depression and anxiety to this day, we know that a tiny portion in the brain called the amygdala, stores emotional and threatening thoughts, …

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Getting lien in the New Year!! The Skinny on Liens.

By Lenore Brakefield, Esq., Partner It’s that time of the year again. With all the holiday parties, treats and goodies, it’s hard to stay focused on getting or staying lean. Don’t fret, this article is about avoiding construction liens and how to deal with them (a/k/a “mechanics lien”). What is a construction lien? Under Florida law, those who provide services …

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Access Holistic Healing Now Offering – Celluma (LED) Light Therapy

Access Holistic Healing Now Offering - Celluma (LED) Light Therapy

By Michelle Durham PAIN • ACNE • ANTI-AGING • WOUND HEALING* What is Light Therapy? Light Emitting Diode (LED) phototherapy is the application of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits. The energy is used to improve cellular performance. Phototherapy is known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties and has a variety of applications across many medical fields. Research …

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VEINS 101: 50 Million Americans Have Treatable Vein Disease!

VEINS 101: 50 Million Americans Have Treatable Vein Disease!

By Joseph G. Magnant, MD, FACS, RPVI – Vein Specialists of Fort Myers and Bonita Springs We have all likely seen someone walking down the street and noticed large bulging varicose veins and thought “they should really see a doctor about that.” Varicose veins are the most obvious sign of venous disease, and represents a medical condition called venous insufficiency …

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Many People Ignore the Symptoms of Peripheral Arterial Disease, Which Can Be FATAL

Many People Ignore the Symptoms of Peripheral Arterial Disease, Which Can Be FATAL

By Russell Becker, DO, Vascular Surgeon It’s the new year, 2020, are you still going to keep ignoring the pain in your leg, or are you finally going to get a proper diagnosis and treatment? If you keep letting it go, you could potentially lose your limb! Individuals with Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) have blood flow disruptions usually in the …

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