A New Body Contouring Procedure Works in a Totally New Way to Give You the Results You Want

A New Body Contouring Procedure Works in a Totally New Way to Give You the Results You WantBody Contouring is all the rage, but the reason many people are willing to try one technique over all of the others is because of two simple facts. Firstly, it works naturally, and secondly, it works internally, not just superficially. That’s why we’re hearing about all of the celebrities trying EMSCULPT® and loving the results. And that’s why Internal Medicine Partners of Naples offers this exclusive treatment for their patients.

The EMSCULPT® Difference
With EMSCULPT®, it’s not just about the “fat,” it’s about building muscle in an involuntary way that triggers metabolism, increases strength and functionality, and not only makes the body appear lean and fit, it actually is stronger and trimmer due to EMSCULPT’S exclusive technology. EMSCULPT is FDA-cleared to safely and effectively build muscle, improve muscle tone, and increase strength.

Ideal EMSCULPT Candidates
EMSCULPT is the ideal treatment for anyone looking to build muscle and reduce fat to help get defined abs or a non-invasive butt lift. It works exceptionally well for individuals that eat healthy diets and exercise, but still have stubborn areas of fat pockets, or for those who want more definition. Treatment plans are customized to achieve the look and results you desire.

EMSCULPT Procedure
The EMSCULPT procedure feels like an intensive workout of muscles in the target area being treated. The levels can be adjusted and gradually increased during the course of the treatment. Most patients enjoy lying down and relaxing during the non-invasive procedure.

Each treatment in the series takes approximately 30 minutes. The series is mapped out precisely for you with your physician and EMSULPT specialist. Since EMSCULPT is non-surgical and non-invasive, there is no downtime. You could schedule a treatment for your lunch break and return to work immediately after. Regular physical activities can be resumed immediately and are encouraged after your EMSCULPT treatment.

Patients feel the tightening and lifting effects immediately after the treatment, which feels similar to an intense workout. Within just a few short weeks (2-4) after the last session in the series, patients will see major because the underlying muscles require time to strengthen fully. The body gradually and naturally eliminates fat cells that are destroyed through apoptosis during the series of treatments, and results continue to improve for weeks to months after the treatment series. One round of EMSCULPT treatment can increase lean muscle by up to 16% and reduce fat by up to 19% in the treated area.

There is minimal discomfort and no downtime. If you’d like a leaner, stronger body, talk to Internal Medicine Partners of Naples today about your consultation.

Internal Medicine Partners of Naples
Along with comprehensive medicine and wellness, Internal Medicine Partners also specializes in antiaging. Their doctors, Dr. Blanco, and Dr. Rodriguez are recognized in the Naples community for great dedication to their patients and quality of care. They are experienced Hospitalist at NCH Community Hospitals. Both are Board Certified in Internal Medicine. Internal Medicine Partners of Naples offers traditional medicine both in their practice and hospitals providing their patients with the best quality and continuum of care.

Dr. Alejandro Blanco and Dr. Ralph Rodriguez
are accepting new patients. Please call
(239) 596-8804 to schedule your
appointment and Free Consultation Today.
www.impnaples.com | www.emsculptnaples.com