Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Promotes Optimal, Healthy Aging

By Timothy Blend, M.D. –

Bio Identical Hormone ReplacementMany patients come to me in mid-life inquiring about hor- mone replacement therapy. Advances in understanding the function of hormones and the role of hormone replacement has made it possible to manage many of the negative side effects associated with age-related hormone decline.

Synthetic Hormones vs. Bio Identical Hormones
When discussing hormone therapy, it is important to make the distinction between two very different types of hormones; synthetic hormones and bio identical hormones.

Synthetic hormones are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies and are made to be different than the hormones your body uses. Bio identical hormones differ from synthetic hormones in that they are designed to replicate the same chemical structure as the hormones that we produce naturally in our bodies, and they are derived from naturally occurring sources such as yams and soy.

Study Shows Decrease in Breast Cancer with Bio Identical Hormones
Fear of breast cancer is the most significant factor preventing women from using hormones. The Wall Street Journal published an article describing the Women’s Health Initiative Study which demonstrated that it was synthetic progestin in the form of Provera and Prempro that caused the increase in cancer risks with hormone replacement therapy. However, a second study conducted in France with over 54,000 women showed an actual reduction in breast cancer by 10% with the use of bio identical progesterone and no increase in cancer after seven years of use with bio identical estrogen and progesterone combined.

Another cancer prevention strategy I strongly encourage my female patients to consider is taking vitamin D3 and DIM. These are natural supplements that work together to optimize the body’s ability to protect against breast cancer.

There is No Need to Have Hot Flashes, Fatigue or Other Symptoms
I have treated many women in our community who have been unaware there is even an alternative to taking Premarin or Prempro. Bio identical hormone replacement therapy is a safe and effective way to treat women who need hormones. There is no need for women to have hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, insomnia, bone loss and decreased libido. That is not to say that I am cavalier about the use of bio identicals. On the contrary, I am extremely cautious, using the smallest possible dose to effect change and constantly monitor patients with hormone levels, mammograms, pap smears and other appropriate testing.

Other Benefits of Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Working with female patients to bring depleted hormonal levels back to an optimal state with bio identical hormone therapy not only eliminates some of the risks associated with synthetic hormones, it allows relief from unpleasant symptoms and offers many other benefits that impact quality of life significantly. Bio identical hormone replacement therapy has been shown to decrease heart disease in post menopausal women, improve bone density, improve LDL cholesterol, diminish symptoms of perimenopause like hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, sexual dysfunction and sleep disturbance along with anxiety and depression.

Bio Identical Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men
Men can also benefit from bio identical hormone replacement therapy. Bio identical testosterone replacement therapy in men has been shown to reverse some of the negative effects of low testosterone including enhance libido, improve erectile dysfunction, decrease heart disease risk, increase lean body mass, improve diabetes and prevent osteoporosis. Maintaining healthy testosterone levels may also lower total cholesterol, LDL and decrease insulin resistance. Additional research has shown a beneficial impact on cellular energy production, brain function and oxygenation.

Individually Designed for Greatest Benefit and Effectiveness
Every human being is biochemically unique. A natural hormone balancing program needs to be individually designed for each person to be most effective and give the greatest benefit. Typically, bio identical hormones are administered through custom made topical gels or creams, injections or in the form of capsules, tablets or pellets. I am a cautious clinician that strongly believes all hormone replacement therapy patients should work with a physician that conducts the appropriate screening tests, reviews family and social history, and utilizes hormones judiciously yet effectively.

A Good Preventive Medicine Key to Optimal, Healthy Aging
After more than 10 years in the practice and study in the field of anti-aging (metabolic) medicine, and over 30 years practicing emergency and internal medicine, I am a strong proponent of bio identical hormone replacement therapy. It is good preventative medicine, which I believe is key to optimal, healthy aging.

To learn more about The Blend Institute, bio identical hormone replacement therapy or to schedule an appointment, please call 941-722-5600 or visit us online at

Timothy Blend, M.D.
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Dr. Tim Blend has over 30 years of ex-perience practicing medi-cine. He has an extensive background in both traditional and alternative healthcare. Dr. Blend is a graduate of Ross University Medical School. He completed his internal medicine residency at Downstate Medical Center and Kings County Hospital, NY. Dr. Blend was a fellow, instructor and attending physician at both Bellevue Hospital and New York University Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine. In 1993, Dr. Blend joined the Emergency Medical team at Manatee Memorial Hospital, where he still practices 1 day per week and assists in the clinical training of medical students from LECOM.

In addition to his traditional training in internal medicine, Dr. Blend is a board certified Nutritional Specialist (CNS) and has completed a fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

After more than 10 years in the practice of Anti-Aging (Metabolic) Medicine, Dr. Blend and his wife and nurse practitioner, Kimberly Blend, ARNP, co-founded The Blend Institute in 2010. The Institute is a collaborative medical practice focused on the optimization of health and prevention of disease. Dr. Blend is the Medical Director of the Institute where he integrates his internal medicine expertise with science based wellness practices to provide optimal treatment plans tailored to meet individual patient health and wellness needs. Ms. Blend is The Mental Health Director at the Institute where she incorporates her nutrition background with her traditional psychiatric treatment practices, including psychotherapy and psychiatric medication management. Kim is also an expert in the area of neurotransmitter testing and amino acid treatment. She provides a variety of testing, counseling services and treatment options that help individuals restore physiological and psychological balance.

Dr. Blend is a member of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, the American College of Nutrition, the American Anti-Aging Association and a member of the Manatee Medical Society. In his free time, he enjoys competing in triathlons, training with the Ringling Bicycling Club and spending time with his family. He is the proud father of three daughters.

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