By Dr. Rich Bimler, Lutheran Life Communities –

This is the Age of Aging! Just check out these items:
….10,000 people in the U.S. will turn 65 years old today;
… Babies born this day have the possibility of living to be 150 years old;
…We are getting older;
…More of us are getting older;
…More of us are getting older, longer!

THE AGE OF AGINGI am convinced that the Lord really loves older people – because He sure is making more of us! And Hooray for that!

The exciting fact about aging is that it is one thing that we all are doing together, regardless of our age! Aging is not just for us older folks, but aging is a gift to be celebrated, regardless of how many candles are on our cakes!

Unfortunately, our society continues to try to convince people that after age 65, people lose significance and purpose in life because they are “over the hill”. That is plain nonsense! Look at all of the articles and ads that focus on older adults (including this one!). This is because older adults have finally “come of age” in our society and need more opportunities to serve, be served, and to be encourAGEd to celebrate life as gifts to the world!

In this Age of Aging I suggest that we join together as “Amazing Grays” and show the world that life is indeed worth living! Regardless of what Hallmark cards say about the aging process, we can laugh out loud, and even laugh at ourselves, in order to let others know that aging is a Blessing instead of a Burden! Sure there are many challenges for older adults, but there are obstacles for people of all ages. As we age we are able to work at accepting the “new normal” in our lives. We are able to live an “Attitude of Gratitude” for who we are and for what we can still do. This also allows us to live an “Attitude of Latitude” as we can lighten up and not take ourselves too seriously as we see and sense that the Lord is still leading and guiding us, one day at a time!

The Arlington of Naples, Lutheran Life Communities’ new faith-based campus in Lely Resort, is getting ready to break ground this Fall. It will be such a blessing to this area as we empower vibrant, grace-filled living across all generations! After all, this is what the Age of Aging is all about!

About the Author
Dr. Rich Bimler, Bloomingdale, Illinois, has served the Church in various positions throughout his 49 year ministry career. He repositioned in 2006 after serving for 15 years as President/CEO of Wheat Ridge Ministries. He serves as the Ambassador of Health, Hope, and Aging (AH-HA!) for Lutheran Life Communities, Arlington Heights, Illinois. He continues to write, speak, and consult with other agencies and organizations throughout the world.