The 3 Pronged Fork of Heart Health

The 3 Pronged Fork of Heart HealthThe road to heart health starts with a fork.  Not the fork in the road, but the fork with which you eat!  Our health is more significantly impacted by what we eat than anything else.  Think about this:  Your body is built by what you put into it.  Your heart beats all day and all night.  It never rests.  If needs to be cared for or it will stop prematurely. Three major things our hearts need be healthy are good nutrition, exercise and good blood flow.

Nutrition: Wield your fork for heart health
Proper nutrition is the most important of the three, because without proper nutrition, you cannot exercise to capacity and your arteries get clogged and enflamed, leading to heart disease.  The easiest way to heart health is to follow a Mediterranean Diet style of eating.  It’s pretty simple if you follow my take it or leave it plan when you are just starting out.  These are very general guidelines.  But if you start with removing one bad choice a week and replacing it with a better choice, you are on the right track.  For example, let’s say you have toast and coffee with cream and sugar every morning for breakfast.  Switch out your toast for some old fashion oatmeal.  I don’t meant instant oatmeal.  That’s refined and not good for you.  Add a handful (1/2 cup) of berries or another favorite fruit.  That’s heart healthy!  Now for that coffee.  Switch the cream to organic 2% milk, and cut the sugar in half.  That’s a real improvement in just one week!

Foods to take:
• Fresh fruits and vegetables, organic whenever possible
• Wild caught fish
• Grass fed beef and poultry
• Whole grains (brown rice, oat, quinoa, barley, bulgar, brown rice, barley, rye, etc.)
• Good fats: High quality extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, nut, seeds, avocados
• Herbs and spices
• Legumes (any type of dried bean)

Foods to leave:
• Refined Oils: Soybean oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil and others. Hydrogenated oils/trans fats like margarine, movie theatre “butter”
• Sugar in all but its forms (sugar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, caramel, dextrose, fructose, etc.)
• Cookies, candies, ice-cream table sugar
• Processed meats like lunch meat, hot dogs, sausages,
• Any red meat that is not grass fed
• Anything processed
• Refined grains: White bread, pasta made with refined wheat, etc.

Exercise: You’ve got to move it, move it!
Your heart needs action!  You need to get up and move on a daily basis.  Start by waling just 10 minutes a day and work your way up to 30 minutes per day.  The benefits are astounding.  Moderate intensity walking has many health benefits.
• Walking reduces the risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and possibly coronary heart disease.
• Walking increases the capacity of your heart to work hard, keeping it in shape.
• Walking improves mood, improves skin color, texture and tone,
• Increases blood flow and oxygen to your heart and all of your vital organs.
• You can walk anywhere you are.  So if you travel a lot, just bring a pair of shoes, and you are ready to hit the sidewalk or trail.

Blood Flow:  Rollin’ like a River
Your heart needs an uninterrupted supply of nutrient and oxygen rich blood.  We talked about the nutrients and oxygen.  Now let’s talk about blood flow.  Blood flows best when blood pressure is within the normal range, and there are no cholesterol deposits narrowing the arteries, slowing or blocking the flow of blood.  Blood needs to be the right consistency as well.  We don’t want it to be too thick or too thin.

To keep our blood flowing, we need to
• Eat right, exercise and take our supplements.
• Keep the sodium low and the nutrient levels high.
• Drink at least 8 ounces of water per day.
• Take our supplements

So take care of your ticker!  Start the basic take it or leave it plan.  Take your supplements.  Walk.  Drink lots of water and keep the salt to a minimum.  That’s a great start.  See your natural health practitioner for a custom designed program that will have your heart as healthy as possible, and you feeling great and looking fabulous for a long time!

IV therapy for heart health
Let’s face it, many of us haven’t paid much attention to our hearts.  We ate the wrong foods, didn’t exercise, and did not maintain our blood vessels.  So now we have high blood pressure, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, hardening of the arteries, and possibly a few complications that go along with those issues.  To attain optimal health again, our bodies are going to need extra help.  Intravenous nutrient therapy can really help reverse the damage.  One excellent option is EDTA Chelation has many heart related benefits.

EDTA Chelation.
The Miraculous Therapy of Vascular Disease
• EDTA chelation may be one of the most effective, least expensive, and safest treatments for heart disease ever developed
• EDTA chelation is not typically covered by medical insurance, even though insurance companies would save billions of dollars each year if they did.
• Recent studies show EDTA is safe and effective for the treatment of vascular disease

. Prevents cholesterol deposits
. Reduces blood cholesterol levels
. Lowers high blood pressure
. Avoids by-pass surgery
. Avoids angioplasty
. Reserves digitalis toxicity
. Removes calcium from atherosclerotic plaques
. Dissolves intra-arterial blood clots
. Normalizes cardiac arrythmias
. Has an anti-aging effect
. Reduces excessive heart contractions
. Increases intracellular potassium
. Reduces heart irritability
. Improves heart function
. Removes mineral and drug deposits
. Dissolves kidney stones
. Reduces serum iron levels
. Reduces heart valve calcification
. Reduces varicose veins

Adapted from Walker M., Gordon G., Douglass W.C.
The Chelation Answer

For a full discussion of EDTA chelation therapy visit:

There are a wide range of intravenous nutrient solutions to optimize your health.  Call us today to schedule an appointment for a consultation to see how we can help you achieve optimal wellness!

Root Causes

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