Sarasota Edition

THINGS TO REMEMBER about breast cancer

By Denise Baker, M.D. With nationwide awareness campaigns highlighting our personal risks of acquiring breast cancer we want to share the bad news and the good news with you! The Good Cancer News: 1. Cancer risks, just like immunity risks, are NOT STATIC! You CAN change your risk of initiating and growing a Breast Cancer. Your risks change with age …

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By Mark Olson, Ph.D., LMT Over 116 million people suffer from various types of chronic pain disorders. Chronic or persistent pain can lead to depression, addictions, anxiety, stress, isolation, and even suicide. Finding relief from pain is critical, but the path to the solution to persistent pain is riddled with misguided information and unfitting attempts that often gloss over the …

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Great American Smokeout® 2021

Great American Smokeout

On November 18th of this year Gulfcoast South Area Health Education Center (GSAHEC) will celebrate the Great American Smokeout® (GASO), a national holiday hosted by the American Cancer Society that provides an opportunity for people who smoke to commit to healthy, smoke-free lives: not just for a day, but year-round. The Great American Smokeout® also provides an opportunity for individuals, …

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Keeping Kids Healthy in the Fall and Winter

Keeping Kids Healthy

Gerry Letendre, RPh, MBA, CHt Most parents know this scenario all too well: the kids return to school for the year and come home with not just class-work and report cards but germs and illnesses as well. Dr. Ted Meyer, III, MD, FAAP, with Meyer Pediatrics says as the weather cools and kids go back to the classroom parents can …

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Diabetes Can Affect Your Hearing


By Dr. Noël Crosby, Au.D. In the US nearly 30 million people have diabetes, and a vast majority of our population unknowingly has what’s known as prediabetes, which quickly escalates into the disease within a short amount of time. Diabetes is a progressive disease and must be well managed to eliminate complications. Millions of people with diabetes will suffer from …

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Orthopedic Specialists are Seeing Many Patients with Injuries from Pickleball

Injuries from Pickleball

Prevention is Key | Expert Care is Essential Did you know that Pickleball has become the fastest growing sport in the U.S.? It’s a fun sport that requires low-impact aerobic exercise, and the fact that it requires four players makes it an enjoyable, social event. However, with all of this fun-filled activity, injuries are bound to happen. Orthopedic surgeons and …

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Diabetic Foot Infections and Preventing Amputation

Diabetic Foot Infections

The prevalence of diabetes in the Unites States continues rising at an alarming rate. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) an estimated 30.3 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes with another 7.2 million adults undiagnosed in the United States. By 2030, the CDC expects there to be over half a billion diabetics in the U.S …

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Ketogenic Diets in Reversing Cognitive Decline Including Alzheimer’s Disease

Ketogenic Diets

Over the last several years we have come to learn more and more about the role nutrition plays in not only the creation of Cognitive Decline conditions including Alzheimer’s, but also in their reversal. Based on research at UCLA and The Buck Institute, we have discovered at least 36 different conditions which are at the Root Cause of developing Cognitive …

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Hormones and Diabetes Hormones Can Affect Diabetes in Multiple Ways

Denise A. Pancyrz – Diabetes Reversal & Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Speaker, Author Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes mellitus is a condition characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from the body’s inability to use blood sugar for energy. In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas no longer makes insulin and therefore blood sugar cannot enter the cells to be used for energy. In Type 2 diabetes, …

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What’s Your Diet

By Pastor Roger P. Felipe Weight-watchers. Nutrisystem. Mediterranean diet. Paleo. Living healthy has become a craze, although obesity in our country, rather legitimizes it. For many people it is about looking and feeling better, living longer, stronger and disease-free. These are all important reasons for eating clean, exercising, and learning to rest our bodies sufficiently. For Christians, however, trying to maintain …

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