Understanding Gynecomastia

A Common Concern for Men

By Gunnar Bergqvist, MD

Gynecomastia is a common condition which describes the development of breast tissue in men.

Almost 95% of all men will have gynecomastia at some point in their life.

The peak incidence is 12.7 years of age and also secondary peak, which starts developing after the age of 65.

The most common cause is idiopathic, meaning, the cause is unknown.

It’s uncommon that it’s related to hormonal changes and normally, laboratory testing is of no benefit and is most often self-limiting. However, if gynecomastia has been present for more than a year, it normally is not something that will correct without surgical intervention.

Gynecomastia comes in three different scales, Grade1 to Grade 3. Grade 1 is tissue just under the nipple-areola. Grade 2 to describes having extra tissue throughout the Breast, but not having extra skin. Lastly, Grade 3 defines having significant amount of extra breast tissue and skin.

There are several ways to correct this: either through open incision; suction methods; or a combination of the two. Currently the best method of treatment is a combination of power-liposuction with Renuvion skin tightening. This uses a plasma helium beam after the liposuction to tighten the tissue. This poses less downtime and risk to the patient as no anesthesia is required and can be done in the clinical office setting using local tumescent anesthesia. Fat grafting and lipo-sculpting during the procedure can give better definition with outstanding results.

It is possible to have abdominal liposuction at the same time.

The photpgraph attached are of a patient having Grade 2 gynocomasita. This patient has benefited by gaining more confidence and has become more active as a result. The procedure itself takes only a few hours in the clinic and the recovery requires simply slowing down and wearing a compression garment for a few weeks. Most Patients can return to work rather imeediatey.

Gynecomastia is a condition that can cause distress and impact the emotional well-being of men. By understanding the condition and seeking professional guidance, individuals can find effective treatment options and regain their confidence and self-esteem.

Fun fact, well known Pharoah, Tutankhamun, had gynecomastia. Some claim the origin of the word “titts” has been derived from “Tutan” who then later became the proto-germanic word “tittaz.’

The Plastic Surgery Center of Naples
860 111th Ave., N., Suite #6, Naples Florida, 34108
239.431.7967 | www.SwedishDr.com