Turning Back The Hands Of Time

By Yollo Wellness –

Turning Back The Hands Of TimeToday we are well aware that the key to a long and healthy life is good nutrition and an active lifestyle. The majority of people have been active throughout their lives, so they are not newcomers to the gym, the golf course, or physical activity.

It’s natural that people would want to continue to be active into retirement and beyond. And, with fewer demands on their time, many are able to put more attention on their health and wellness while fighting off the effects old age can have on their bodies.

Bill and Betty Mosgrove recently did just that. Both are 83 years old and each suffering with different health issues of their own which changed  what they could and could not do on a daily basis. So they decided to do something about it.

Betty suffers with Fibromyalgia  which causes long term pain and tenderness in the joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues. Her Orthopedic Surgeon referred Betty to YOLLO Wellness Center  to take advantage of the variety of services YOLLO offers for natural, non-invasive healing.

Betty and Bill have a lot of life left in them which was very evident when they sat down for their interview. They both decided they wanted to work on living a healthier life and set out to achieve just that. Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength. The longer we are able to live the more beautiful life can become.

Once Betty and Bill arrived at YOLLO Wellness they met with their highly trained staff and learned what it will take to begin the proper steps to feeling healthy and staying healthy.

The Alcat blood test was given to both of them to learn what food intolerances they each have.  The results from this test provided Bill and Betty guidance when choosing what to eat and what not to eat according their sensitivity food panel tests.

“I had less energy and would notice the simple little chores I used to do in the garage would cause me to be out of breath” Bill said. Once Bill and Betty began their journey to better health they are both feeling more energized. They have each lost 15 pounds . Although they both admitted changing their eating habits was not easy they were able to do it and are feeling better due to their new food choices. Bill said “It was not easy packing up my favorite flavor of ice cream out of the freezer to give to my friend” but he knew it was going to help him feel better if he eliminated dairy products from his diet according to his test results. Betty said “bread was a challenge to give up” as well as eggplant and coffee  which she loved but according to her test results those needed to be eliminated from her daily diet to help her become healthier.

Micronutrient Testing was another test taken at YOLLO to help Betty and Bill know what vitamin deficiencies  they might have. Micronutrient testing is a state of the art blood evaluation that detects low levels of specific micronutrients. This test measures specific nutrients to determine whether you are absorbing and utilizing the nutrients you need and which nutrients you are missing. This reduces inflammation within the body as well.

DITI Digital infrared thermal imaging is for detecting and monitoring a number of diseases and injuries by showing thermal abnormalities in the body. It is used both able to benefit from the results of their DITI imaging. Areas in their bodies that showed inflammation were addressed as well as the neuropathy Betty suffered with in her feet.

Live Cell Blood Analysis is a nutritional blood analysis that detects nutritional deficiencies, digestive disorders, parasites, bacteria, free radicals, uric acid crystals, plaque, yeast and fungus. Dry Blood Cells shows different health related issues. This test helps to determine specific nutritional or naturopathic steps to support your overall health, and is a valuable addition to the health assessment process. “Being able to see our blood live on a monitor and being told what we needed to address was very pivotal in our understanding and planning of our health planning process at YOLLO Wellness ” Betty said.

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy also become a regular treatment program at YOLLO for Bill and Betty. These treatments allow a patient to breathe higher concentrations of oxygen while placing them in a chamber and increasing the pressure around them. By increasing the pressure around oxygen is absorbed into all the fluids in the body, reaching oxygen deprived tissue. The goal is to increase the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissue to help it to heal and remove the inflammation.

“We enjoy the oxygen chamber treatments most” said Bill. Being able to do more things and having increased energy has been wonderful.  “It has helped my back issues as well as my restless leg syndrome”  said Betty. “There are some days we are literally here at YOLLO for 3 or 4 hours making sure we get all our treatments in for the day” Betty said. “When Bill and Betty leave YOLLO after their treatments are completed they both said.” “We feel energized and ready to tackle the world.”  They have found their “fountain of youth ” at YOLLO Wellness and as each day  passes they feel better as their youth is being restored.

Betty also has bladder issues. Her back issues stem from a prior surgery. Her balance is off due to the neuropathy in her feet. She had a knee replacement in 2009 and has restless leg syndrome. Bill is a diabetic and he had bypass surgery in 2011. He had a partial knee replacement in 2000. All of their health issues have improved drastically after their decision to visit YOLLO and taking advantage of their personalized programs to assist them in becoming healthier in all aspects of their lives.

They have become ” family” at YOLLO they look forward to coming and enhancing their quality of life by using the state of the art equipment and research based testing methods offered at YOLLO. Owner Wendy Law and her associate Deb Re bring an abundance of energy and many laughs to make the experience memorable.

As with anything we face  in life that we are not familiar with we sometimes are reserved when making the decision to try something new. Bill and Betty can now speak from personal experience and let others know there are options available to help others who are possibly feeling the effects of similar health issues as they age. “We would never have found YOLLO without our Doctor’s  referral” Bill said.  He is very thankful they followed his advice and can’t express enough how YOLLO has helped both he and Betty become healthier. Bill and Betty are walking examples of the health benefits they have received and will continue to receive at YOLLO Wellness. “I have my energy levels back that I once had many years ago” Bill said, Bill is doing more cooking himself now for both he and Betty and making healthier food choices. He is also thinking his “honey do” list around the house will be expanding soon due to his high energy levels. You cannot put a price tag on life itself. Having good health is like winning your very own lottery it will give you the keys to a long happy life, after all that is what we all hope for. Remember the greatest wealth is our health!

YOLLO Wellness
3840 Colonial Blvd, Suite 2, Ft. Myers, FL 33966