The Carlisle Shines a Spotlight on Men’s Health

By Jenny Bradley

Carlisle ShinesIn recognition of Men’s Health Month, it’s essential to explore unique environments that foster well-being for men, particularly as they age. Senior living communities can provide a supportive network and invaluable resources to maintain and improve men’s health. They can also empower residents to prioritize their physical, mental and social well-being now and into the future.

Community and Social Engagement
Maintaining robust social connections is one of the key elements of men’s health as they age. Senior living communities are designed to nurture a sense of community and ongoing social interaction, which can be beneficial for men who often face social isolation. For example, at The Carlisle Naples, a variety of engaging activities such as golf putting, card tournaments and special interest clubs are regularly scheduled. These activities offer entertainment as well as a platform for building relationships and fostering a sense of belonging through common interests. The resort-style community provides a structured yet relaxed environment where men can forge meaningful connections with peers, share experiences and continue to thrive socially.

Access to Health and Wellness Programs
Senior living communities offer numerous amenities and programming to enhance physical health. These may include fitness centers, walking trails and swimming pools for low-impact exercise. Additionally, many communities offer classes tailored to men’s health needs, such as yoga for balance, strength training and even nutrition workshops focusing on heart health and diabetes prevention. The convenience of having these resources within the community encourages regular participation, making it easier for men to maintain their physical health. The Carlisle Naples’ signature wellness program, Zest, takes a holistic approach to health, addressing the needs of the mind, body and soul. A wide range of fitness and wellness activities are incorporated into the community calendar throughout the week, from Pilates and spinning classes to healthy chef’s demonstrations and Tai Chi. These repeated opportunities to prioritize wellness in a fun, social setting not only enhances residents’ physical wellbeing, but supports their health in every dimension.

Preventative Health Care Services
Another significant advantage is the availability of onsite healthcare services. Many communities provide regular health screenings, flu shots, and consultations with health professionals. For men, having easy access to these services means more consistent monitoring of health conditions and timely interventions, which is crucial for issues like prostate health and cardiovascular maintenance. At The Carlisle Naples, the onsite health care providers known as the MyCare Clinic and EmpowerMe Wellness, offer physical, occupational and speech therapies. These preventative health care options, located just a short distance from residents’ homes, support better health outcomes and provide peace of mind.

Mental Health and Cognitive Engagement
Mental health is often overlooked in discussions about men’s health, yet it’s just as crucial. Senior living communities offer a supportive environment where men can participate in cognitive activities like workshops, educational classes and even technology courses, keeping their minds active and engaged. A community setting can also help reduce feelings of loneliness and depression by providing ongoing support and companionship.

A Safe and Secure Environment
Senior living communities provide a secure environment with staff available around the clock. This aspect is crucial not only for the residents but also for their families. At The Carlisle Naples, residents can rest assured knowing that a dedicated team of staff is readily available to respond to emergencies of all types. The freedom from home maintenance and repairs also reduces stress and enhances overall well-being.

“As we observe Men’s Health Month, it’s important to recognize the unique challenges men face in maintaining their health as they age,” said The Carlisle Naples’ Executive Director Bill Diamond. We prioritize creating an environment that supports the physical, emotional and social aspects of men’s health. Our goal is not only to care for our residents but also to encourage them to lead healthier, more connected lives.”

Located at 6945 Carlisle Court in Naples, The Carlisle offers independent and assisted living lifestyles featuring spacious one-and two-bedroom residences, dedicated housekeeping and flat linen services, basic cable TV, all utilities except telephone, and elevated dining with daily, chef-prepared specials. The community is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), an important distinction that provides residents with the assurance that the highest standards of quality care, services and safeguards are maintained. For more information about the community, please call 239-221-0017 or visit

The Carlisle Naples
Luxury Rental Retirement Living

6945 Carlisle Court, Naples, FL 34109
239-221-0017 .


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