Tag Archives: featured

Show your heart some love this Valentine’s Day by quitting smoking!

quitting smoking

We only have one heart, so we need to treat it with all the love, care, and attention we can. Quitting smoking will improve the health of your heart for many years to come. Tobacco use is the chief cause of preventable death and disease in the U.S. and can harm every organ and cell in the body. With over …

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Nurturing Pet Dental Health Amidst Chocolate Hazards

Pet Dental

February marks Pet Dental Health Month, a time dedicated to the well-being of our beloved furry companions. Simultaneously, the sweet delights of candy season beckon, accompanied by the looming threat of chocolate toxicity for pets. In this delicate dance between dental care and chocolate safety, responsible pet ownership takes center stage. Pet Dental Health Month: A Spotlight on Smiles Pet …

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Magnesium’s Vital Role in Heart Health


BY Kasey Cook, RN, Owner Magnesium, often hailed as a powerhouse mineral, stands as a key player in maintaining optimal heart health. This essential nutrient is garnering increasing attention, particularly for its profound impact on blood flow and cardiovascular well-being. As medical advancements continue to shed light on the intricate connections within our bodies, the significance of magnesium in sustaining …

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Is Your Fish Oil Rancid?

Fish Oil

By Anne-Marie Chalmers, MD Think fish oil. If your gut reaction is “yuck,” you are in good company. Whether it’s from remembering Grandma’s cod liver oil or taking today’s capsules, many people believe fish oil ought to taste bad. But the truth is that omega-3 supplements shouldn’t taste like yesteryear’s salmon. If your fish oil does, it’s likely rancid. What …

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Rediscover Your Youth: The Power of Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration

In the pursuit of a more youthful appearance, there’s a game-changer you don’t want to miss: plant stem cell hair restoration at Tribe Med Spa. It’s not just about getting your hair back; it’s about gaining confidence and feeling youthful again. Understanding Plant Stem Cell Hair Restoration: As we age, our hair tends to thin out. Enter plant stem cell …

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Proscan’s Newest State of the Art Women’s Center Now Open


Proscan Women’s Imaging @ NCH has opened its newest facility to provide the most comprehensive imaging services to the women in our community. Our facility, located at 2320 Vanderbilt Beach Road, offers new state of the art equipment in a beautiful, serene setting with a team of compassionate professionals to care for the women in your life. We are pleased …

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Memory Matters

Memory Matters

By Amy Hoffmann Schenk, RN, BSN, MS Ed, Community Engagement Lead Neuropsychiatric Research Center of SW Florida “Why is my wife so mean to me?” “My grandfather got downright ornery, wouldn’t do anything we asked, and he yells all the time.” “My mother is always so nervous and fidgety. When I tell her to relax, she says unkind things to …

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Skin Cancer Screenings: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Skin Cancer Screenings

By Dr. Anne Marie Tremaine What does it mean if you call and schedule a “skin check” with me? That term can be interpreted in many ways. To a dermatologist, a skin check signifies a head-to-toe examination looking for skin cancers, precancerous growths, and atypical moles. Most of the time and effort of the visit is dedicated to this detailed …

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The Crucial Role of Weight Loss in Preventing Numerous Diseases

Weight Loss

By Lisa Gonzalez, APRN-BC Maintaining a healthy weight is not merely a cosmetic concern; it plays a significant role in safeguarding our overall health. Weight loss, particularly when approached through sustainable means, holds immense importance in preventing various diseases. From heart disease and diabetes to certain types of cancer, shedding excess weight can significantly reduce the risk of developing these …

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Alcohol & Its Implications on Mental Health

Mental Health

By Steven Stein, MD – Board-certified Psychiatrist The use of alcohol is engrained in American culture and is one of the most socially acceptable drugs used, but unfortunately often abused. While opinions may vary as to the amount considered safe for human consumption, regular and excessive use can quickly transform from a source of relaxation to a far worse overall …

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