Tag Archives: featured

Elevate Your Beach Life: The Transformative Power of Deborah Korpi’s Ballet-inspired Posture Therapy

By Deborah Korpi, BGS, LMT, MMP, BCTMB Living at the beach offers an idyllic and relaxing lifestyle, but it’s not without its challenges. Among the most overlooked but crucial issues that beach-dwellers face is poor posture. While the beach environment fosters a sense of serenity, it can inadvertently contribute to posture problems. Fortunately, Deborah Korpi’s Ballet-inspired Posture Therapy, based on …

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The Relationship Between Hormones and Mental Health

Hormones and Mental Health

By Dr. Melissa (Mel) Irvine, DNP – Clinical Sexologist Specializes in Sexual Medicine and Beauty Mental health is crucial for a good quality of life, and declining mental health can cause individuals to withdraw from the activities they once enjoyed. In other cases, someone may feel too tired or anxious to care for themselves and nurture their needs, impacting their …

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Easter and Springtime Hazards for Dogs and Cats

Hazards for Dogs

When it is time for spring cleaning, you often stow away your winter decor, perhaps dig out your Easter or springtime decorations, and transform your home for the season. If you have a cat or dog in the house, you might want to steer clear of seasonal items that might pose potential threats to your pet’s health. Prevent a trip …

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Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room for School and Sports-Related Injuries

Urgent Care

By Alfonso L. Espinel, MD In the realm of healthcare, understanding when to seek urgent care versus heading to the emergency room can make a significant difference in receiving prompt and appropriate treatment. This is particularly true when it comes to school and sports-related injuries, ranging from physical examinations to handling deep cuts, fractures, and more. Understanding the Basics: Urgent …

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Decoding a Cough: What Does all that Hacking Mean – and What Helps

Decoding a Cough

Respiratory illnesses continue to rise with coughs being a common overlapping symptom among them all. Decoding the characteristics of a cough, including its duration, sound and accompanying symptoms, can help patients understand what is going on and how to treat it. Most people are typically contagious the first three to five days after the initial respiratory infection, according to the …

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ASK THE EXPERT – Will my sight be affected by my hearing loss?

hearing loss

By Brittany Colburn, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology/Ear Nerd Did you know that March is “Save Your Vision Month”? Does hearing loss affect vision? Absolutely. If you lose your hearing, your sight becomes much more important because any loss of visual acuity makes it harder to read lips and use sign language. Conversely, those with visual impairment rely heavily on their …

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Invisalign vs Braces: What’s the Difference?

Invisalign vs Braces

By Dr. Ricardo S. Bocanegra, DDS Both Invisalign braces and the older traditional brace are intended to improve the alignment of your teeth to produce a straighter smile and smile and better oral health. While traditional braces have been used by orthodontists and dentists for decades, Invisalign is a newer concept intended to meet the needs of modern people. Invisalign …

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The Crucial Link Between Nutrition, and Healthy Living in Golden Years

senior living

By Cynthia Perthuis, CDP, CADDCT, CSA The demographic landscape is undergoing a significant shift worldwide, with a growing proportion of individuals entering their golden years. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the global population aged 60 and older is expected to reach 2 billion by 2050, doubling from the year 2015. With this demographic shift comes an increased prevalence …

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The Galleri Blood Test is a Valuable Cancer Screening Tool

Galleri Blood Test

By Dr. Viviana Cuberos Cancer screenings are pivotal in identifying cancer at its nascent stages, where treatment can be most effective. While several cancers have established screening protocols, many lack efficient screening methods, underscoring the need for innovative approaches to detection. Some of the most common cancers that have established screening protocols include breast, cervical, colorectal, and prostate cancer. However, …

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Why Your Knee Hurts, and What To Do About It.

Why Your Knee Hurts

By Richard Hiler, DABCN Regenerative medicine for cartilage wear or tear Due to injuries, mechanical issues, or overuse and aging, cartilage may be damaged or lost, Resulting in pain. Stem cell allograft. In times of injury the body recruits its own stem cells for repair and healing. As we age our own stem cells become less efficient. The addition of …

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