Tag Archives: featured

Preventing Falls With Physical Therapy & an Advanced Machine That Measures Strength & Imbalance

By Dr. Bryan Hunte Every movement our bodies make requires communication between the brain and the muscles. When injury, disease, and weakness affect any part of the nervous and musculoskeletal system, neuromuscular disorder can lead to loss of function. My patients that fall a lot typically, have pain in the knees, hips, or lower back combined with wear and tear …

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Don’t Let Incontinence Interfere with Your Sex Life

Sex Life

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG Thanks to modern technology and treatment options, you don’t have to let loss of bladder control interfere with your life any longer. With proper treatment you will no longer spend time planning the fastest route to the nearest restroom in hopes of avoiding an accident. Not only can incontinence sabotage your daily activities, it can …

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How to Avoid Holiday Heartburn

Avoid Holiday Heartburn

By Karina Hammer The holidays are around the corner and with all the over-indulging and overeating, this can be a time of pain and discomfort. Are you tired of being in pain after every meal? Is acid reflux keeping you up at night? Are you waking up with heartburn more than 2 days a week? Do you think that stomach …

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Hearing in the Age of COVID-19- Masks Edition

Hearing in the Age of COVID-19

Even before the social distancing orders began, Ms. Maloney, one of our Help Us Hear (HUH) hearing aid recipients, avoided social events with friends and family. She has a litany of excuses prepared to avoid the potentially embarrassing events. Hearing loss is an isolating disability. With the stay at home orders in place, the social disengagement that the hearing-impaired community …

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Understanding BRCA Genes, Breast Cancer, and Melanoma

Understanding BRCA Genes

By DR. DANIEL WASSERMAN October is when American cities will begin adorning public landmarks with the signature pink color for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. While October and May are breast cancer and melanoma awareness months, respectively, few people are aware of the relationship between breast cancer and this form of skin cancer. It is well known to the public and …

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Senior Living and Care: So Many Choices!

For many seniors, the abundant choices available for senior housing can be overwhelming. Making an informed and confident decision can take some time and quite a bit of research, so we’ve broken down the most common options and the features and benefits that differentiate them. Senior Living Communities Independent senior living communities are often the first to be considered for those …

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Robotic-Assisted Surgery Can Mean Better Outcomes for Knee Replacements

Knee Replacement

By Tracy Ng, D.O. He’s in his 60s and has always been athletic, enjoying golf or tennis nearly every day. Lately, though, pain in his knee is so intense and constant that he needs a long-term, surgical solution to regain an active lifestyle. For many people, such a diagnosis means undergoing partial or total knee replacement. Fortunately, robotic-assisted surgery performed …

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At-Home Nutrition Interventions

At-Home Nutrition Interventions

Among older adults, the prevalence of malnutrition ranges from 17% to 65% – depending on the group and setting.1 Patients from rehab facilities, long-term care residents, and elderly patients requiring a higher level of care make up the upper end of that range. The prevalence of malnutrition among older adults presents a particular concern for doctors, families and care planners, …

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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Are You at Risk?

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

By Russell Becker, DO, Vascular Surgeon An aneurysm is a balloon-like bulge and is caused by a weakening of an arterial wall due to a localized area of enlargement, which can cause a bleeding issue or a rupture to occur. Regarding the abdominal artery, aneurysms can occur because of the pressure and blood flow needed for the legs and body, which …

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Wrist Fractures Demystified!

Wrist Fractures Demystified!

By Carmella Fernandez MD, MBA Fractures of the wrist are one of the most common injuries treated in the emergency department and by orthopedic surgeons. We typically see wrist fractures in one of two settings and in a bimodal age distribution. Younger patients with normal bone density, typically sustain high energy injuries such as a fall off of a ladder, where …

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