Shedding Post Pregnancy Pounds

By Aubrey Fulton APRN

Pregnancy Most women find it a little difficult to get rid of the extra pounds they put on while pregnant. Some women are able to get back into their regular clothes just weeks after giving birth, but the majority have to work a little harder to get their pre-baby body back.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), women who are within a healthy weight range and are carrying one baby should gain between 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. Women who are overweight or who are carrying multiples should consult their obstetrician about how much weight gain is appropriate. In either case, when we look at what that weight consists of, we see that it won’t all be lost on the day of birth. Baby weight is not only the baby and the amniotic sac and its fluid, but it is also increased blood supply, enlarged breast tissue, and extra fat tissues. It is those fat tissues that present the most problems.

So, how much can we expect to lose just by giving birth? That, of course, depends on many factors, one very important one being the size of the baby. Generally speaking, most women will lose around 13 pounds right after giving birth. Those pounds consist of the baby, placenta, and amniotic fluid. Then, she will lose extra fluids in the next few days just by peeing and sweating them out. The weight that does not go away at birth are the maternal fat stores. This where the work starts.

Tips for post-partum weight loss
1. Breast feeding can help mothers shed the weight after child birth. A 2014 study showed that women who exclusively breastfed for at least 3 months lost 3.2 pounds more than women who did not breast feed or supplemented with formula.1

Breast feeding is obviously good for the baby, but there are also benefits for the mother. They include:
• Promotes weight loss
• Helps the uterus contract
• Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, ovarian
cancer, and breast cancer

2. Do not skip meals. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies that can be harmful for both mother and baby. On the contrary, women who are breast feeding should increase their caloric intake by about 450 calories. The key is to burn more than you take in.

3. Avoid highly processed foods. These have been shown to cause weight gain for everyone. Processed foods to avoid include:
• Microwave meals
• Fast food
• Potato chips
• Soda (even diet)
• Ready-made cakes and desserts

4. Eating protein-rich foods can help decrease feelings of hunger and, therefore, reduce calorie intake. The body works harder to process proteins. That means it burns more calories digesting proteins than calories from carbohydrates or fats.

5. Eating high fiber foods can also be beneficial because they fill you up, but the body cannot break them down. As fiber travels through the body, it absorbs water and promotes bowel health. It makes you feel fuller, but doesn’t add calories. Adding more fruits and vegetables to one’s diet has been shown to reduce stomach fat.

6. Avoiding added sugar and refined carbohydrates is important in weight loss as well. These types of foods are generally high in calories but low in nutrients. Check the label of the foods you buy. If sugar is one of the first ingredients, put it back. Choose a fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth instead.

7. Drinking plenty of water is another way to promote weight loss. Breast feeding moms needs to stay hydrated to keep up their milk production, but drinking extra water has an impact on weight loss. Drinking about 8 glasses of water a day increases your sense of fullness and can result in more weight lost in a shorter time.

8. Finally, ladies, exercise. Women who have good nutrition and who exercise will lose weight faster. Exercise burns calories and improves overall health. Choose an exercise you like, and try to fit it in for at least 150 minutes a week.

In conclusion, weight gain is a normal part of pregnancy, but the extra weight after delivery can put you at risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It is important to lose the weight after your pregnancy and return to your pre-pregnancy weight. Following these tips will help you get your figure back in no time if you stick to them.

At AuVan Clinic Health and Wellness Group we can work with you to help you get back to a healthy weight. Contact us at 239.799.7219 or email at Visit our website at to have a look at everything we have to offer you on your journey to wellness.

We specialize in medically supervised concierge and basic weight loss programs that will help you look and feel your best. The AuVan Clinic is located at 4270 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 201 in Naples.

Aubrey Fulton APRN
Aubrey is a graduate with honors from South University, fully licensed, autonomous board-certified Nurse Practitioner, who brings to the community, his wealth of knowledge. With over 21 years of nursing experience, he provides a unique clinical experience, enhanced by his diverse background in nursing.  He is committed to act as a patient advocate, and practice medicine with a holistic approach.

Aubrey has served in the community as a nurse educator and was recognized as Nurse Mentor of the Year by NCH Healthcare System in 2015.  Aubrey has been successful in creating a personalized, concierge weight loss and management program which aims at not only weight loss, but a total body health and wellness.

AuVan Clinic Health and Wellness Group

4270 Tamiami Trail East, STE 201
Naples, FL, 34112, US


1. Postpartum weight loss: Tips and Timeline (no date) Medical News Today. MediLexicon International. Available at: