RN 2.0

By Nashat Abualhaija, Ph.D., RN

“As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul, and body of our patients, their families, and ourselves. They may not remember your name, but they will never forget the way you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

Interestingly, Maya Angelou was never a nurse, yet she had a deep understanding of what it takes to be one.

The need for nurses to provide compassionate care is part of the equation. With all the advancements in treatments, nurses need to have a deeper knowledge of their craft in order to provide their patients with holistic and complex care.

That’s just one of the advantages nurses have when they earn their Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (BSN).

Other advantages of BSN-prepared nurses include:
• A better and faster track to pursue senior positions, including nurse managers and nursing directors
• Faster increases in hourly pay than those with an ASN
• A path to graduate nursing degrees

Additionally, state and regulatory agencies, including the Veterans Administration, have mandates for BSN-prepared nurses. Many healthcare facilities now require RNs to have a BSN for entry level nursing positions. As the population ages, the need for nurses with a BSN grows. Studies show that nurses with a BSN can provide a higher level of care because they have a higher level of competency in the nursing practice, increased skills in communication, leadership, professional integration, plus research and evaluation. In all, that leads to better patient outcomes.*

We’re offering RNs the opportunity to earn their BSN with us. This isn’t your average RN to BSN program. We have specially designed this program to build on the knowledge you already have and take you to the next level of expertise. The classes are online, so you can still work while you’re earning your BSN with us. Plus, you can graduate in just one year.

Classes start in the fall. We’re here to answer your questions. Call us today at (239) 938-7700; email us at Admissions@hodges.edu; visit us on campus at 4501 Colonial Blvd. in Fort Myers or online at Hodges.edu/prog-rn-bsn.

Dr. Nashat Abualhaija, Ph.D., RN, is the nursing program director at Hodges University.

Hodges University
239-938-7744 | Hodges.edu

*The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) “The Impact of Education on Nursing Practice (AACN, 2014)