Not Eating Enough Can STALL Weight Loss

Weight LossSo, you want to lose weight? You may have engaged in fad diets and or shakes, but no results, you may also have decided to drastically reduce calories to combat weight gain but alas, the stubborn belly fat, thigh fat, buttock fat, hip fat, side fats (love angles) and flappy arms persists. Why? Simple you have it wrong! It is a myth that all you need to do is stop eating to lose weight. Not eating enough can stall weight loss.

When you stop consuming calories, does your body just miraculously start burning fat for fuel? That’s what it’s there for, right? Only if it were so easy. Proper nutrition and not starvation is essential for proper weight loss; when you stop consuming calories, you are depriving your body of the necessary micronutrients essential for homeostasis. You lose electrolytes very rapidly when improper fasting occurs and adding supplements aren’t enough to keep you healthy while you’re starving yourself under the guise of weight loss.

When you’re not eating, your body isn’t fueled properly. When you decide to lose weight by not eating, you’ll make yourself much more susceptible to infectious diseases because of a weakened immune system. You’ll most likely contract and die from a disease before you reach your goal weight because your immune system will be weakened.

When your body burns stored fat for fuel, it releases everything stored in that fat cells and fat cells store more than fats. Certain toxins can be stored in your body fat and released when your body goes into full fat-burning mode, such as when you decide to lose weight by not eating anything. Persistent Organic Pollutants, also called POPs, are released from burning fat cells and your body doesn’t know what to do with them, so they go into fat storage.

When you lose weight, you don’t JUST lose fat. You lose muscle mass as well due to catabolism. Catabolism is when your body breaks itself down for energy. When poor dieting or imposed starvation is occurring, your body doesn’t just break down fat, it also catabolizes muscle mass. Over a short period, the effects aren’t much. However, over time your body will eat more away at and more muscle mass. You’ll grow weaker, your basal metabolic rate will drop so you’ll burn fewer calories, and even the heart muscle will be cannibalized. This will put you at risk of heart failure.

Starving yourself makes your whole body slow and sluggish. Your body responds to the stress of starvation by releasing hormones such as cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone, and I bet you already feel enough stress. You’ll also lose blood pressure. Low blood pressure, stress hormones, and the fatigue caused by not fueling your body will make you irritable, dizzy, weak, nauseated, or worse. Your studies and your job and your relationships will suffer too. Why not choose to lose weight healthily with AuVan Clinic?

Since “not eating anything” is unhealthy, let’s look at some healthy ways to lose weight. It’ll be slower, but your muscles, heart, mood, immune system, and the rest of your body will thank you. Eating less will help you lose weight, short of certain medical issues. However, you shouldn’t eat a lot less. Exchange soda for water, drink your coffee black and swap out the chips for fruit or vegetables. Slowing your consumption of calories will slow down weight gain and eventually lead to weight loss. Even what you eat after a workout can affect this.

Double the effect of cutting calories by increasing how many calories you use throughout the day. Even walking a little every day can help. Of course, adding on a workout routine can help more. Everyone, male or female, benefits from full-body exercise and muscle gain. Anaerobic exercise boosts your metabolism for a whole day after working out. Improper or poor dietary intake is not just bad but horrible for weight loss. Your body relies food intake for energy production, left over energy is stored has fat. To properly lose unwanted or excessive fat, you need to give your body a reason to lose it and improper dieting is not one of them.

To discuss more about your desire to shed pounds AND keep your body healthy, schedule a free consultation with Shedloss at the AuVan clinic at 239-799-7219. Yes, shed it and forget it! We specialize in medically supervised concierge and basic weight loss programs that will help you look and feel your best.

The AuVan Clinic is located at 4270 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 201 in Naples.
