By Tess Lambert, APRN, CMO

“Time is Money.”

“Convenience has value.”

“Teamwork makes everything work better.”

MULTIPLE HEALTHCAREWe tend to believe that these statements are true, yet we seldom think about our medical providers using these assumptions. Imagine the convenience of having your primary healthcare provider, your counselor, your massage therapist, and your psychiatric care provider in the same office working as a team.

Hope & Harmony Holistic Health is based on the philosophy that offering multiple services in one office not only provides benefits to you as a patient, but results in better care due to our work as a team.

When Arthur (not his real name) first came to see us, he met with Tess, our psychiatric provider. While she was able to diagnose him and help him get started with a medication to help, she also recognized that he would benefit from psychotherapy, so she recommended that he see Kelli, our counselor. Tess and Kelli agreed that they should sit down with him together and discuss his diagnosis and treatment plan.

Arthur was grateful to have them both together to answer questions and clarify the work he needed to do to live a healthier, happier life.

This is the approach Hope & Harmony Holistic Health takes with every patient. When Dr. Melissa, our general medicine provider, has a patient see her for muscle pain, she’ll refer her for a massage with Angie, who uses Dr. Melissa’s notes to provide the perfect therapeutic massage.

As we look for new and innovative ways to provide holistic medical services to the Charlotte County area, this team approach is always foremost in our mind. Because every person deserves to be the healthiest version of themselves, our purpose at Hope & Harmony Holistic Health is to help our patients discover what that means for them as individuals, and to make a plan for how to achieve their health goals.

We are committed to working with each person to reduce dependence on medications by living the healthiest life possible as defined by each individual.

Each of us at Hope & Harmony Holistic Health has struggled through mental and physical challenges that left us frustrated and hopeless at times — until we discovered the healing and nurturing strategies that are part of holistic health care. Now it’s time for us to give back to the community by helping everyone who comes to us to discover, or to rediscover, the hope that comes with living a healthy life that allows our bodies, minds, and emotions to live in harmony every day.

Hope & Harmony Holistic Health, Inc., is a safe and welcoming practice no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey.

Our mission is to provide a holistic approach to overall health in order to reduce medication use and help each person become the healthiest version of themselves. Using a team approach and offering multiple services under one roof helps us accomplish this mission.


