Mindful Health

By Chrysa Smith: chrysasmith.com

Mindful Health “What can I help you improve?” Irena Basnikova asks of her clients. From golf swings to weight loss to improved posture, the owner of Naples Fitness Wellness, using all available therapies in her studio, creates a custom-tailored approach to achieving her client’s goals. You might call it mindful health.

Her plan for you will likely include several modalities, selected just for you. The goal? To get the body to relax and open up; for the immune system to be restored to optimal functioning, allowing you to achieve your desired outcomes.

Whatever your issues, one of the things we all experience is stress, and that plays an important role for your entire body. In fact, some doctors believe unresolved stress is responsible for 100% of illness. Thus, balancing the body and the brain go hand-in-hand. In fact, Irena will often be heard talking about the connection of all parts of the body, including the brain—mindful health.

Irena will begin with Cranial Release Technique (CRT). The theory behind it is that the body gets ‘blocked’ due to stress. And this blockage begins all the way up in your cranium. This therapy releases the stress through a hands-on approach that resets the relationship between 22 bones designed to ‘live fluidly’ with each other. Having personally experienced this, I can describe it as an ‘reopening’ of closed-off energy, clarity. I experienced freer movement, feeling somewhat like a weight had been lifted from me. This technique has been successful in relieving all types of symptoms of a misaligned brain, from hormonal and skin problems to stomach sensitivities and neurological problems.

Irena says, “Neurologists speak about proper nutrition for brain health.” And it comes down to eating healthy, whole foods and supplementing with the vitamins and minerals needed to run your own personal machine. “What are we feeding the brain?” she asks her clients. After trying various health supplements without the results she was hoping for, one of the companies Irena discovered is NeoLife. Addressing complete health with a line of natural, organic, holistic food and supplements, she has found it is one of the nutritional companies that delivered results for her and several of her clients. She also offers something called Epigenetic reporting or Optimize Immunity and Wellbeing Report. Taking a snip of hair, a person’s DNA—their unique profile is analyzed. “That hair tells a story.” she says. And that is nutrition, environmental exposure, vitamin, and mineral deficiencies. Like with many of Irena’s therapies, it provides awareness as to what tweaks she can help you with and what you can make for yourself. While you can’t control your genetics, you can control what food, supplements, environments you expose yourself to. Mindful health comes with thinking about putting your best efforts forward, knowing that everything you put in your body makes it healthier or not. The report revealed some results I might have guessed for myself, given my conditions. Others surprised me, like eating certain favorite foods which might not be all that favorable on my system. Gathering the information on what needs to be increased or decreased will lead further to any other therapies to address it.

One modality Irena uses as part of the program, is called HOCATT. What exactly is it? Physically, it resembles a steam chamber. Designed for personal use, you enter the unit, get comfortable as adjustments for body size are made. Once situated properly, the unit is closed from the neck down, and ozone is piped into the chamber, while pure oxygen is released near your nose. The unit goes through a variety of sequences, specifically programed for your area of concern. Ultimately, HOCATT detoxes the brain, providing mental clarity and focus—a clearing out the clutter we collect in the course of daily life. As it operates, it can also support specific areas of concern, whether it be clearing out a respiratory infection, boosting immunity, and more. It is able to provide ten different technologies within one 30-minute session. It’s such a relaxing treatment, clients have been known to fall asleep during the cycle, including my husband. He had a respiratory infection, so Irena programmed him for lungs and immune support. Two sessions and he said his head and chest felt clearer, and within a few more days, I could see a big improvement.

Irena may combine HOCATT with something called Brain Tap as part of the program. Sounds, experiences, and vibrations come together in a program that virtually takes your body back to the frequencies we were designed to live with—as if to reprogram the brain. Much modern technology has interfered with this aspect of health, as radiation and stress play havoc with our bodies. So, how does it work? Take for example, how stress-relieving the beach is. It is known that there is a positive frequency near water. It’s what makes people feel good there, as though your shoulders drop, you take a deep breath and all the worries of your world seem to disappear. Measured in Hz, that frequency can be recreated virtually, through the use of a headset that essentially mimics that environment, reducing stress and its negative effects. Regular sessions lead to a more relaxed state, positive energy, better circadian rhythm. And all it takes is about a 20-minute cycle. Working in tandem with other therapies. Brain Tap leads to other health benefits as well, including weight loss.

You’ve probably heard of Biofeedback. t’s been verbally used in traditional therapy sessions, but the LIFE system is an advanced electro/psychological device. The device can be programmed for a variety of functions that support stress reduction, muscle relaxation, and the overall well-being of the body. And, it can be done either in-office or virtually, including during the stressful times that often come with travel.

I got an education. I received several therapies, including CRT, HOCATT, posture, stretching and Pilates. I got on some supplements. Looking forward to trying BrainTap and Biofeedbak as well. I’m eating healthier, and I’m feeling pretty darn good. And I trust that most of Irena’s clients are as well.

*All therapies are intended to provide body and brain harmony, to provide a holistic approach to health, and are not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.

Irena Basnikova, LMT NCTMB
3960 Radio Rd, #206, Naples, FL 34104