By Hans Doherty – Growing in Health Florida

MARIJUANA Let’s begin by stating some cannabis facts.

1. Cannabis has been used for its medicinal properties for 1000’s of years. In the year 2737 BC it was Chinese emporer Shen Nung was the first to describe its therapeutic effects.

2. NO one has ever overdosed and died from using cannabis.  You might feel like you’re dying if you consume too much, but you won’t die. For some, high levels of THC can bring on a feeling of deep euphoria, anxiousness or even paranoia. That’s why dosing is so important.

3. Cannabis is NOT a gateway drug. For many years we have been conditioned into thinking that cannabis use will inevitably lead to heavier drugs. In fact, it’s just the opposite effect.

Doctors have discovered that the different cannabis cannabinoids, including THC, help reduce the cravings and decrease the urges associated with drug addiction.

Ask yourself why our federal government along with big pharmaceutical companies, big alcohol companies, and big tobacco companies all pay Washington lobbyists millions of dollars to keep cannabis from becoming legal nationally.

It’s a legitimate question.
The reason is because it’s competition. These entities will all suffer a serious hit to their bottom line if cannabis becomes legal.

Most people understand how powerful these industries are in our society. Many also understand that tobacco, alcohol, and pharmaceutical drugs are slowly killing users.

They don’t care!! Profits over people!!
Even some “big cannabis” companies are pushing high THC levels because it’s what makes them more money.

There are many products available now that are very effective, yet contain no or very little THC.

Educating people about this is what I do everyday. Eliminating the stigma isn’t easy. The propagandists have done a good job at scaring people away from this plant.

You all remember that movie called Refer Madness. “Women cry for it…Men die for it”. All lies propagated by government officials to justify their actions in locking up young men and women who simply wanted to relieve their pain or sleep a little better.

Sure, maybe to get “high” too.

Learn more about how this ancient remedy might be applied to your situation at Growing in Health Florida.

Call, or stop by. Monday through Saturday 10-6.

I’m always happy to help my customers make informed decisions about their medical cannabis needs.

Look forward to seeing you at the store.

Come into the store and learn how these products are changing lives for the better.

Classes are the third Wednesday of every month at 6pm.

For more information, please message me at, come by the store, or give me a call. I’m always happy to answer your questions. The more informed people are about cannabis the more they will seek it out as an alternative to other pharmaceutical drugs. That’s a big step in a more natural direction.

Thank you for reading!

Growing in Health Florida
7211 Vanderbilt Beach Rd., Suite. 3
Naples, FL 34119

**FDA disclaimer: Cannabis does not treat, cure remedy any medical