Living with Cataracts

By Jonathan M. Frantz, MD, FACS

Living with CataractsMany of us feel that our eyesight is the most precious of all of our senses. How beautiful is it to look into the eyes of a child, to see the sunrise or sunset in brilliant color. Watching plays, movies, TV or simply reading a book are all things we value greatly. When a cataract develops, it interferes with our ability to enjoy these things. Even more devastating, vision loss from cataracts or other causes can take away our independence, making it impossible to drive to work, the grocery store, or to visit a friend or family member.

Cataracts are a major cause of preventable blindness, and yet many people aren’t sure what a cataract is or how it is treated. When surgery is needed, keep in mind that not all cataract surgeons possess the same skill, nor do they have the same success rate. Modern technology is critical to successful cataract surgery and lasers have superseded blades as the safest and preferred method for cataract surgery.

Technology, and surgeon skill are incredibly important factors in surgical outcomes. Think back to the technology that we had 20 years ago. I remember back then, my cell phone came with a suitcase to house all of the required electronics. Now, cell phones are compact and possess such great advances in capabilities. One would never think about going back to the technology of 20 years ago, when there was no Internet!

Yet, many surgeons continue to perform cataract surgery with the same old techniques and technology that is 20 years old. We now have the capability with skillful microsurgical techniques, lasers, advanced measuring devices and the latest technology in intraocular lenses to not just remove a cataract, but to do it in such a way as to minimize one’s need for glasses. Our Cataract Refractive Suite incorporates the Bladeless Laser Cataract surgical technique into a system of highly advanced measuring and surgical planning devices such as VERION, ORA with VerifEye, along with the Centurion system that has the most advanced fluidics in the world to make cataract surgery even more safe.

Our commitment to you at Frantz EyeCare is to stay on the cutting edge of technology to provide you the best possible results with care and compassion. It is very gratifying to me that I can restore people’s sight every day. It is a gift that has been given to me to be able to do these wonderful things and offer these revolutionary technologies to the people of Southwest Florida. We are honored by the trust and confidence that people have in us.

Eyesight is truly a precious commodity and there are more sunsets, and a life full of beautiful pictures and memories waiting. So, if you have been diagnosed or think you may have cataracts, call our office for a cataract evaluation to learn about the difference between traditional cataract surgery and Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgery, as well as the various intraocular lens options that are available to you. We also host informative seminars throughout the year. These are listed on our website at where you can also schedule your appointment. You may also call our main office in Fort Myers at 239.418.0999.

Jonathan M. Frantz, MD, FACS, is named in The Guide to America’s Top Ophthalmologists. He and his team of doctors at Frantz EyeCare offer a broad spectrum of patient-focused comprehensive care from eye exams and eyewear to bladeless laser cataract removal, treatment of eye diseases, bladeless WaveLight LASIK laser vision correction, and eyelid surgery with office locations in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Punta Gorda, Lehigh Acres, and Naples.