Regular exercise, a healthy diet, weight loss plans…you’ve done everything to lose it, but that unsightly fat just won’t budge?
Well now it will! Lipo-Light is the non-surgical, totally painless, effective solution for your stubborn fat.
Lipo Light Naples is proud to offer the next evolution of standard liposuction. Lipo Light is advanced slimming technology for non-invasive body contouring and delivers immediate results!
Using the power of the latest LED Light Therapy, Lipo-Light is a natural and healthy way to lose inches around the waist, hips, thighs, upper legs and even the arms. Lipo-Light is a method of body contour improvement without any scarring. The entire procedure is non-invasive, relaxing, pain free and soothing.
Lipo-Light can deliver effective results in just one treatment! Lipo Light safely penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the fat cells. This stimulation opens the cells walls breaking down the contents allowing the fat to escape. The fat content is then transported into the lymphatic system by using a post treatment vibration platform. Burning 350 calories per day and drinking water will enhance the elimination of the released fatty acids. This is NOT a surgical procedure; there is NO down time and NO pain associated with a Lip Light procedure.
What are the advantages of LED over
invasive processes like liposuction or laser?
The major advantages include no pain, no down-time, instant results-compared to 16 weeks of recovery time for liposuction, no risk of infection, no anesthesia, no scarring, no post-operative numbness or nerve damage, price advantages, no damage to the body including fat cells as opposed to total removal of cells, blood vessels, etc. It is the safest way to sculpt the body.
How does Lipo Light compare to the other fat burning lasers being used?
The Lipo Light LED system has a far higher absorption rate as opposed to laser treatment and other led therapies. Lipo-Light has the preferred 635nm wave length plus a 900nm (infrared) warm carrier wave length which increases penetration into the fat cells. Typicall 70% of the Lipo-Light leds penetrate the mitochondria vs the competitors 650nm which is only absorbed 40%.
Is it safe?
Yes. There are no known risks involved in using Lipo Light and it is considered a safe alternative to invasive procedures such as traditional liposuction. The Lipo Light treatment is 100% non-invasive and causes no bruising, scarring or downtime.
During the treatment you will not feel discomfort, nor will anesthesia be used. You can assume normal activities immediately following each treatment.
Lipo-Light will be donating of net proceeds to benefit Make-A-Wish® Southern Florida for
Lipo-Light treatments performed during August and September.
Make-A-Wish grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.
Make-A-Wish is dedicated to making every eligible child’s wish come true. A fulfilled wish for a child with a life-threatening medical condition provides a special kind of magic. It creates an indomitable spirit within the child to help sustain him or her through difficult times, in hopes that miracles can be achieved. It is this renewed strength that illustrates the magic of a wish.