Over the past ten years, Ketamine has been studied in patients with severe depression and PTSD. A rapid instantaneous effect takes place immediately upon the drug being dispensed intravenously. When a well-trained physician administers ketamine, it can help with symptoms like moodiness, chronic pain, decreased concentration, low self-esteem, impaired sleep, decreased sexual desire, diminished appetite and can even alleviate suicidal thoughts.
During the treatment, the initial infusions usually take place over approximately two weeks with six infusions that are administered every other day.
In parts of the brain that control mood and emotions, ketamine infusion creates new connections in the brain. These new neurological connections help the brain to send positive signals to the psyche, along with beneficial physical conditions to the body. The effect is notable within hours, but most patients report the results are instantaneous. These astonishing changes can be seen on brain scans and imaging, and the results are long-lasting.
Late Stage Lyme Disease
If Lyme disease isn’t promptly or effectively treated in the first two stages, late disseminated Lyme occurs weeks, months or even years after the tick bite. The Lyme bacteria have spread throughout the body and many patients develop chronic arthritis as well as an increase in neurological and cardiac symptoms.1
• arthritis in joints or near the point of infection
• severe headaches or migraines
• vertigo, dizziness
• migrating pains that come and go in joints/tendons
• stiff, aching neck
• sleep disturbances, insomnia
• disturbances in heart rhythm
• mental fogginess, concentration issues
• numbness in the arms, legs, hands or feet
• problems following conversations and processing information
• severe fatigue1
Ketamine treatment is also extremely beneficial for pain. Neurologic late stage Lyme disease causes extreme inflammation and discomfort. Ketamine can benefit patients who suffer daily with Lyme disease’s swelling and chronic soreness.
In a recent peer-reviewed study titled, Effects of intravenous ketamine in a Patient with Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome, the researchers found, “The pain associated with Lyme had a 71% decrease without the use of increasing doses of opioid analgesics. Opioid-sparing therapies, such as ketamine, should be used more frequently for the management of chronic pain. This is especially important given the frequency of opioid dependence and abuse, which has reached such severity to be widely regarded as an “epidemic.” Future studies should be conducted to optimize ketamine for the management of chronic pain conditions without the use of opioids, where appropriate.”
PTSD causes extreme side effects. Many individuals have severe nightmares, flashbacks, hyper startle responses, and loss of interest, severe anxiety and are often suicidal. Numerous military veterans with PTSD have issues with employment, violence, and relationships. These veterans often have severe flashbacks. Many people who suffer from PTSD have difficulty sleeping, feel detached and estranged, which can lead to permanent disability.
The standard treatment options for PTSD are antidepressant medications. Some of the most widely known drugs prescribed are Prozac, Lexapro, Zoloft, and Oxycontin. The classes of these medications play a role in how the neurotransmitters affect the mood by improving your state-of-mind and creating a more peaceful, cheerful spirit, by extinguishing the brain’s transmitters. The problem is these drugs are highly addictive, have adverse side effects, and also in many cases, show signs of cognitive decline in long-term use.
The other issue with standard medications is that they more often than not, become ineffective and are unable to reverse feelings of severe depression. This is called treatment-resistant depression.
Standard PTSD Medication’s Adverse Reactions
• Nausea
• Anxiety
• Weight gain
• Loss of sexual desire
• Severe fatigue
• Inability to focus
• Sleep disturbances
• Dry mouth
• Vision issues
• Constipation
• Forgetfulness
• Ineffective in treating PTSD Symptoms
Ketamine impacts mood, anxiety and alleviates pain, which can result in positive treatment outcomes for the following disorders:
• Severe or Chronic Depression
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
• Chronic Inflammation and Pain
• Bipolar Disorder
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Post-Partum Depression (PPD)
• Produces Rapid Onset of Neural Connections
Dr. Stephen Reichbach states, “In our opinion, IV Ketamine infusions are the gold standard for patients with severe mood disorders or those suffering from chronic pain. IV ketamine provides 100% bioavailability meaning that 100% of the drug administered, gets where it needs to go (the brain). This provides easier titration and a higher likelihood for a positive response. At the end of the day, the out of pocket cost to the patient may be more than the IV infusions depending on an individual’s insurance coverage, not to mention the time convenience advantage for the patient of the IV ketamine infusions.”
Steven Reichbach, MD, Board-Certified Anesthesiologist, specializes in pain management. For more information, please contact their office today at 941-213-4444, or visit their website at
Steven Reichbach, MD
Board-Certified Anesthesiologist
President and Founder,
Gulf Coast Ketamine Center
Lolita Borges, RN
Clinical Director, Gulf Coast
Ketamine Center
2415 University Parkway, Building #3,
Suite 215, Sarasota, FL 34243
941-213-4444 |
1. Global Lyme Alliance, “Stages of Lyme Disease” Stamford CT, 2019,