Keeping Your Pets Safe During Halloween

Pets SafeWhile Halloween may be an exciting time for kids and also fun-filled for adults, many pets are at risk for anxiety, getting lost and toxic reactions to candy. Keeping them safe and comfortable is essential.

Yes, all the ghoulish fun with scary skeleton talking heads, light-up door mats that yell creepy sayings or the flickering Halloween lights might be fun for humans, but for pets, they can be quite off-putting. Most pets are alarmed by these noises and lights and the also are put on edge by the constant ringing of the doorbell.

Many pets try to escape by wither running out the front door or hiding in the house. When animals get stressed, they can have serious complications including heart attacks. During Halloween parties or activities, it’s best to keep your pet comfortable in a room with the bed, water and a favorite blanket or toy. Checking on them is also essential. Remember, they rely on you to keep them safe. If you are wearing a scary mask or outfit, remove it and give them a bit of love throughout the evening.

Making sure they are unable to escape out the front door when you give those treats is critical. It’s dark and the animal may run off far away from the street full of kiddos in their costumes.

Over the years, it’s not uncommon for people to set off fireworks like roman candles or firecrackers during Halloween. This is dangerous for everyone, but when it comes to pets, they particularly hate the loud booming noises. Try turning on some relaxing music or the television for background noise. If you are home, sitting with your pet an letting them know it’s okay can be helpful.

Calming treats are ideal for Halloween. Ask your veterinarian which are best for your pet’s needs.

As far as candy goes, it is NOT for animals to enjoy. It might be fun for kids to spread out their candy on the floor when they get back from trick or treating to count how many pieces they got, but do not let your animal near the pile of sweets as it is all toxic to their bodies.

Toxic Candy Ingredients
Chocolate causes severe toxicity with just a minimal amount, especially dark chocolate. Some of the side effects are vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, seizures, rapid heart rate, and in some cases, death. The smaller the breed, the more dangerous chocolate can be, as well as the amount of chocolate the animal has ingested.

Raisins or other dried fruit are also very toxic to animals. Grapes and raisins affect the liver and kidneys in dogs and cats. Even if eaten in small amounts, it can cause significant damage and death. Cherries are poisonous to cats and dogs and can cause respiratory failure and death. The pits and seeds in fruits (cherries, avocado, peaches, apples) contain cyanide, so these are especially toxic and can also cause choking.

Sugar in general is not necessarily toxic, but it is not suitable for cats or dogs to eat sugar (Hello Halloween Candy), because as with humans, sugar can lead to diabetes, obesity, shaking, lethargy, and dental decay. Sugar alternatives like xylitol are incredibly toxic to dogs. Don’t ever let your pet eat candy, mints, toothpaste, or gum made with xylitol or other sugar substitutes.

Nuts can cause severe reactions in dogs and cats, this especially true of macadamia nuts. If your pet gets into Halloween candy that is packed with chocolate and nuts, this can be a double whammy. If it also has dried cherries or raisin, it’s not a good combination. But again, if this happens, it’s important to try and figure out how much they consumed and also to take their size into consideration. If a Chihuahua eats a box of dark chocolate Raisinets® or a Snickers® bar, then you definitely will want to seek medical attention. It’s always best to be proactive, so even if a Border Collie eats the same amount, getting them checked out will be the best option for your pet’s health.

If your pet gets into Halloween candy or other toxic foods, don’t hesitate! Get to your veterinarian’s office or the Animal ER as soon as possible.

Animal Oasis Veterinary Hospital in Naples offers the most up to date and progressive veterinary services for your pets. Ranging from laser surgery, ultrasound, dental X-rays, radiology, full pharmacy, and in house diagnostics, Animal Oasis Veterinary Hospital provides your pets with the necessary options for treatment.
