Is Your Life Controlled by Alcohol?

It’s Okay to Ask for Help!

– By Charlotte Regional Medical Center –

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), over 100,000 Americans die each year from alcohol related causes.  Although most Americans think drunk driving is the leading cause of alcohol-related deaths, according to the NIAAA, only 45% of all deaths in automobile accidents can be attributed to alcohol.

Recent studies find that people use alcohol as a means to cope with financial, job, and relationship stress – especially if deprived of any social support.  While this does not minimize genetics or other contributing factors, in today’s complex environment, the demands of life – such as stress at work, unemployment, problems at school, a failed relationship, loss of a loved one, or a negative financial situation – can stimulate the desire to consume alcohol on a regular basis, not realizing such behavior may eventually lead to alcohol abuse.

Once the individual becomes an alcohol abuser, getting out of the habit and back “on the wagon” is a challenging recovery process which requires a great amount of patience, understanding, support, and treatment.

It is important to recognize the early signs of alcohol abuse so that you can help a loved one, friend, or co-worker take the first steps toward recovery. Anyone can fall victim to alcohol abuse, and people experiencing  alcohol dependency often deny and hide their problem, making it more difficult for others to realize the problem exists until is too late. Some of the signs of alcohol abuse are guilt about drinking too much; annoyance when criticized about drinking; or the need for a drink in the morning to get going, calm your nerves, or relieve a hangover.

New Vision™ is a completely confidential medical stabilization service offered at Charlotte Regional Medical Center. If you or someone you know is experiencing loss of control due to alcohol or drug abuse, New Vision™ is the one to call. They have a dedicated medical staff that will guide and care for individuals wanting help in dealing with the experience of withdrawal symptoms.

It is okay to ask for help. The path to recovery is just a phone call away. For more information on New Vision™ or its services, call (941) 637-2590.