How to Successfully Achieve Your New Year’s Goals This Year

Did you know that out of the millions of people that set New Year Resolution goals, 92% fail?

How to Successfully Achieve Your  New Year’s Goals This YearWhy do so many individuals quit, fall short or never follow through? The biggest obstacle is setting unrealistic goals. Instead of deciding to run 5 miles a day, resolving to take the stairs, work out 3 to 5 times per week, or doing jumping jacks while watching the nightly news are more realistic goals.

So, what about the 8% that succeed? What do they do that’s so different?

No Negative Self-Talk
It’s important to give yourself wiggle room; you don’t need to be so “all or nothing” when it comes to your goals. If you eat really healthy for the majority of your diet but treat yourself to pizza or fries once in a while, it’s not that big of a deal. When setting goals, making sure you understand that it’s not about perfection, it’s about the overall journey.

People that succeed in many areas of life, typically, have peers that hold them accountable. Having people in you life with similar goals makes it easier to achieve those, because you have comradery and support.

Planning ahead
Making a long term plan is also critical. If you write out an actual 30, 60, 90 day plan, just as successful business minded people do, you will have a better chance at sticking to those goals. It’s important to continue to adjust the plan as the years moves forward.

Working on your mindset through personal development is critical to staying the course. You must understand and connect the “why” in which you are setting these goals for yourself in the first place. Practicing gratitude and celebrating every step of the way (one pound, one week of being able to move through exercise, the healthy air in your lungs, etc.) and connecting with your inner joy will help you to feel healthier and improve your mood.

This approach will not only affect your physical appearance, but it will create balance. Being healthy is not only physical, but a spiritual mindset as well.

Catalina Quintero Can Help You Reach Your Goals
She coaches her clients in a way that’s different, one that supports and makes reaching goals fun, achievable and successful. Her coaching can help you finally achieve those fitness, health and wellness goals!

Catalina helps people with an eating plan according to each person’s individual needs. She sets them up with an exercise program and most importantly, she works on their mindset which is the perfect combination to achieve their goals.

About Catalina Quintero
With this amazing program, I can help others find the health and happiness they deserve, all the while bringing the same into my own family’s life. I am committed to a lifestyle that incorporates the three must-haves: NUTRITION, FITNESS, and MOTIVATION. And you can be, too!

Catalina has helped hundreds achieve the most incredible results with her amazing programs and many others with their goals

Please consider joining Catalina on this journey to a healthy body, mind and life.

To find out more, please call 239-206-6909 or visit