Hearing Loss and Alzheimer’s

By W.L. “Hunter” Huntley, III, HAS, BC-HIS

Hearing Loss and Alzheimer’sHearing loss is one of our nation’s leading handicapping disabilities, afflicting almost 40 million people.  One out of every ten people has some form of hearing impairment.  Additionally, twenty percent of teens currently have hearing difficulties.  Hearing problems can lead to a multitude of maladies if not resolved. Loss of income is often one problem faced by those still in the workforce.  Statistics show that individuals with hearing loss experience less earning potential than those who correct their loss with hearing devices.  Those with hearing loss also suffer from a plethora of other problems, including depression, isolation, worry, anxiety, paranoia, sadness, emotional turmoil, insecurity, less social activity, and less intimacy with loved ones, among others.

Studies by John Hopkins Medical University, The Perelman Medical School at the University of Pennsylvania, and The National Institute on Aging revealed those with untreated hearing loss are also more susceptible to falls, hospitalizations and diminished overall physical and mental health.  Dr Frank Lin, M.D., PHD. research has also determined even those with mild hearing loss were twice as likely to suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.  Individuals with severe hearing impairment were five times as likely to contract the aforementioned affliction over time.  This phenomenon occurs due to the auditory cortex of the brain, responsible for interpreting speech, lacks “proper” stimulation.  This results in atrophy and loss of function. Atrophy of brain cells leads to the loss or damage of these cells.

Since there is not treatment to cure this complication, this means that the illness must be prevented with the use of hearing devices and an active and healthy lifestyle.  However, there are options to slow down the damage and improve physical ability hindered by brain atrophy. Alzheimer’s is not just a combination of physical and emotional crisis’s, it is a financial burden for life!

This shows more reasons why hearing loss should not be ignored or overlooked.  Hearing instrument technology has improved drastically in the last few years.  Individuals with hearing loss can find devices that will best suit their daily activities and lifestyle easily.  If you or a loved one find yourself having difficulty understanding conversations or speech, call 997-8288 for a FREE hearing evaluation.

Free Hearing Evaluation
For a FREE, no obligation hearing evaluation or to learn more, call Leonardi Hearing Center at 239-997-8288, or visit our website at www.leonardihearing.com.