Healthy Hair Starts with Good Nutrition

Beautiful, healthy and shining hair is a valuable asset. Healthy hair is dependent on the health of the scalp (hair requires a plentiful supply of nutrient-rich blood to nourish the hair follicles in the scalp) it makes sense that eating nutritionally balanced meals will promote healthy follicles and healthy hair growth.

Oily Hair stems from over-secretion of the sebaceous glands. If your hair is oily, you should increase your intake of green leafy vegetables, salads, fresh fruits, yogurt, and bake or grilled dishes. Try to avoid fried and greasy foods, milk products and red meat.

Dry Hair can often be managed better with an increased intake of low cholesterol, polyunsaturated oils such as margarine, sunflower oil, fruits and foods rich in Vitamin B. Eating foods such as raw vegetables, pulses, wholemeal bread, brown rice, liver, bananas, nuts and oily fish. A supplement of Vitamin E capsules will also help. To prevent dry hair, try to avoid salty and fatty cheeses.

Avoid: Salty and fatty cheeses.

Normal Hair is relatively easy to maintain with a well balanced nutrition intake. Not only does diet full of excellent nutrition sources create healthy, as well know it is beneficial for numerous health reasons. You can promote a more normal hair type by eating low fat fish, chicken, pulses and sprouts. Not only is it important for a healthy waistline, but eating plenty of vegetables and fresh fruit while avoiding butter, and deep fried foods can do wonders for your hair.

Daily Hair Care Tips for healthy and beautiful hair:

  1. Choose the right shampoo – Use a shampoo that is pH balanced and that is formulated for your hair type. Conditioner should be nourishing but not heavy. Rinse with cool water for extra shine.
  2. Avoid rinsing hair so often – We tend to rinse our hair so often in the hot season. The risk of rinsing hair too often makes your hair become dry which negatively impacts the health of your scalp.
  3. Avoid excess use of dryers – When a blow dryer is commonly used to dry hair, you hair becomes fragile and breaks easily. This isn’t to say that you should never use a blow dryer, just don’t overuse it and when possible, let your hair dry naturally.
  4. Treat your scalp to a massage – Massage the scalp with the oil regularly to encourage oil production. Hot oil treatments are very beneficial in preventing hair loss.
  5. Never brush wet hair – Pulling a brush through tangled wet hair can lead to breakage; use a wide tooth comb after you shampoo instead of a brush.
  6. Immediately wash hair after swimming – Wash your hair with fresh water as soon as possible to remove chlorine residue. Built up chlorine residue damages hair and often takes time to reverse the damage once done.
  7. Color your hair perfectly – To cover grey hair it is better to go a professional salon for coloring than doing it yourself. It is often best to use a special shampoo designed for color treated hair.
  8. Consult a stylist – If you want to change your hair style or have questions about any hair related topics, it is usually best to consult a stylist who has been professionally trained and has experience working with hair. A stylist can help you choose the prefect style and knows what it takes to achieve the desired outcome. A stylist can also offer you tips on ways to maintain the style once you get it and even more important offer advice on how to keep your hair healthy throughout the year.

For more information call: 239.592.9651