Get A Head Start On Your New Year’s Resolutions

Get A Head Start On Your New Year’s ResolutionsThe holiday season is officially upon us now.  We all know this is the most wonderful time of the year.  A month filled with the joy of the season and a list of obligations for holiday parties, cookie exchanges and family gatherings.  Along with all the festivities come food (a lot of it), alcohol and stress.  It’s no wonder when the month is over and the New Year has begun we make all kinds of promises to ourselves in the form of Resolutions.  Your list may look like this:  this year I’m going to lose 5-10-15 pounds; I’m going to start working out 7 days a week; I’m going to eat healthier; I’m going to have less stress.

According to research from the University of Scranton, nearly 40% of Americans will make resolutions for the New Year.  However, those who actually achieve their goals are only 8%.  So…what do those 8% do differently?  Here is a list of tips to get started on a year filled with success.

1)    Keep It Simple – Instead of creating a major bucket list or extreme lifestyle changes, make a short list of attainable goals (1 or 2).  As you reach a goal, create a new one.

2)    Write It Down – Research has shown time and time again that when you have a plan and write it down, you are more likely to succeed.

3)    Make It Tangible – Setting high goals is admirable but if they are unattainable you begin to feel defeated and revert back to your old ways.  Instead of saying “I’m going to workout 7 days a week,” start with “I’m going to workout 2 times a week for 30 minutes.”

4)    Make It Obvious – So you could make a vision board or put a poster on the refrigerator but do you have time for that?  I like accountability.  It is human nature to disappoint ourselves but we will go to the ends of the Earth not to disappoint a friend.  Enroll a friend to be your workout partner/accountability partner.

5)    Believe It – Believe in your goal, in yourself and in your success.

6)    Do It Now – Why wait until January 2nd to start creating the life you want?  Start today.  Get a head start on 2017.

Get Fit for the Holidays and Get a
Head Start on 2017
• lose 5-10 pounds
• increase energy
• reduce stress
• detoxify
• gain lean muscle
• improve sleep patterns

bVibrant, a powerful wellness studio, offers solutions that will change your mind, body and spirit.  We offer personal training and small group fitness classes designed for every body and every budget.  Our training sessions are 30 minutes…that’s 2% of your day.  We train from a whole body approach utilizing whole body vibration, osteogenic loading and nutritional cleansing.

Give yourself a head start and take advantage of 3 FREE sessions.

Call: 239-331-7332
Stop By: 3619 Tamiami Trail N; Naples, FL 34103