Hair Restoration Naturally With Laser Hair Therapy

Hair Restoration Naturally With Laser Hair TherapyHave you finally decided to do something about your hair loss? There is a new option in hair restoration that is painless and noninvasive. Medicine is beginning to see lasers in a very different light. Low level light, that is. Get the hair you have always wanted and say goodbye to hair loss anxiety. When it comes to your appearance and how other people interact with you, your hair says a lot about you and who you are.

Ultimate Hair Laser System
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is among the most exciting new non surgical options in the treatment of hair loss. Lasers have long been used in all types of medical specialties, including dermatology. Many have used specific lasers to resurface the skin by creating a wound on the top layer so that new, fresh skin emerges from underneath.

But a new generation of lasers takes a very different wound-less approach. To understand how LLLT works, you have to alter the way you view lasers. LLLT is not a light source that causes thermal, or heat, damage. The low level lasers are soft lasers often referred to as cold lasers, and do not have the thermal-component to cut, burn or vaporize.

First developed in Europe, where it had been used for improving hair volume and until recently, the use of such treatments has been relatively underutilized in the United States. Today, however, there is increasing awareness and acceptance of these hair loss treatments. Laser hair therapy  has been available in European countries for a decade, but is still relatively new in the US. It is growing in popularity daily with the thousands of men and women who find themselves victim to thinning hair or hair loss. There is no real cure for balding, but this therapy is proving to be a successful treatment to prevent further hair loss and even stimulate new growth.

With LLLT, there is no cutting or burning sensation. The technology does not even resemble the look of traditional lasers. Instead, LLLT is delivered by a device that contains panels of lasers that shine on the scalp.

The visible red light from the hood or panel’s lasers travels several layers into the tissue without harming the skin and scalp. Because the laser light does not cut or burn the skin, the therapeutic light-energy is absorbed by the cells and the process of cell repair begins. With laser hair therapy, you can achieve thicker, fuller, shinier, and healthier looking hair. The frequency and the number of treatments vary for each person depending on the extent of your hair loss. Typical treatments are customized to each individuals needs and progress.  Trained  technicians at Salon d’ Sara and Day Spa will determine your optimal treatment plan.

You might be asking yourself how is this hair loss laser treatment done? You will sit under the Ultmate 5 Panel Laser unit, or hood which is shaped like large hair dryer for approximately 30 minutes. There is no sound, odor, and the experience is painless. Many clients read, watch TV, or relax during their therapy. The frequency and the number of treatments vary depending on the extent of your hair loss. This technology is an effective treatment for both men and women suffering the devastating effects of hair loss. With laser hair therapy, you can achieve thicker, fuller, shinier, and healthier looking hair.

All patients should be evaluated first before treatments begin. It is important to check existing hair follicles and the rate of new follicle production because the procedure can’t make hair grow where there are no hair follicles. Hair is something that we can all probably live without. It serves very little useful purpose, yet, when it is lost, it can be devastating to us. Why? Because it is also part of our identity, it is part of what makes us different from other people so when hair is lost, our identity becomes lost.

The professional staff at Salon d’ Sara and Day Spa will help you identify the best approach to restoring your hair and answer all your questions.  Take the first step to a new you. Schedule your complimentary, confidential hair loss evaluation today and see what you have to gain.

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