FLŌYŌ Offers Lymphatic Drainage: What You Should Know About the Health Benefits

FLŌYŌ Offers Lymphatic DrainageLymphedema is a build-up of lymphatic fluid throughout the body, and it is usually a secondary issue that arises after cancer treatment or lymph node removal, as well as a critical indicator for individuals that an illness or adverse reaction is occurring in their bodies.

Lymphedema is a threatening disorder that needs to be treated by a certified lymphatic therapist, who is trained to properly massage the body and lymph nodes to remove the excess fluid safely. Women are more susceptible to the disorder and often are unfortunately underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed altogether. Lymphedema can cause physical debilitations and physiological distress.

A lymphatic therapist is trained to massage out the lymphatic fluids in a very intricate manner. The lymphatic therapist can offer significant relief for numerous conditions like autoimmune disorders, detoxification, neurological disorders and much more.

The lymphatic massage therapist will use various techniques involving light taps and strokes to gently push the tissue in the direction of the lymphatic system. This allows the correct movement of the fluid through the body to naturally drain. This technique is safe and provides clearing of toxins and helps the inflammatory response to calm down and decreases residual effects of the individual’s disorder(s).

We caught up with Caitlynn Mannherz, LMT, MLDT to find out more about her techniques and client outcomes.

Q: Why did you decide to go into lymphatic massage therapy?
A: My journey began when I was seeking healthier alternatives. I was sick. I had several autoimmune diseases, IBS, Type II diabetes and numerous other mysterious conditions. I was on multiple prescription medications to mask my symptoms, and to top it off I was overweight. I had a moment in my early twenties when I realized that I was not living—I barely existed. I asked myself, what did my future look like? The realization that I need to make changes was what saved my life.

After losing 140 lbs. by eating a nutritious diet free of preservatives, fast foods, gluten and all of the things that we know are really unhealthy, I also began to incorporate wellness through meditation, yoga and getting regular massage treatments. A few years later, I discovered that everything I did to lose the weight, also helped to relieve my lymphatic system. I decided to become a licensed lymphatic drainage massage therapist so that I could help others.

I studied the Dr. Bodder (German physician) method of lymphatic drainage, and before I became certified, I began to perform this technique on friends and family for free, because there are so many people that need help in removing waste and toxins from their systems.

When I became certified, my mom was diagnosed with myeloma (bone marrow cancer). I made it my priority to work with her one on one to restore her lymphatic system before she received any chemotherapy treatments. I teach a health revival course and have coined the term, “immune-lymphatic restoration.” It entails eating a certain way, breathing exercises, massage, and a chemical-free lifestyle. My mother eventually received her chemotherapy treatments, and the oncologist told her to expect to be in cancer treatment for about four months, but astonishingly, she went into remission within only three weeks of her chemo. Having a comprehensive healthy lifestyle is the most essential element of our overall health and wellness.

Q: Where do you offer your services?
A: I have my own business called Aqua Padme Healing. My office location is in Naples, and Lee Health recently hired me, as well as my continued work with the clients at FLŌYŌ (yoga studio) on the weekends.

At my office, I see patients for various reasons like post-chemotherapy treatment, to flush out cellular debris; I see many post-cancer patients and lymphedema patients. At FLŌYŌ I typically see clients that want help with detoxification, or for those dealing with autoimmune disease. In fact, recently, I did lymphatic drainage on the head, face, and neck for a client with a significant sinus infection and she saw remarkable relief in her congestion immediately after our session.

Lymphatic drainage is not for those with metastatic cancer, DVTs or if someone is currently in chemo. I will be giving a course at FLŌYŌ on October 13th. I open the opportunity to discuss the whole body, mind, and spirit connection, and offer my expertise on all of the alternative therapies that have helped countless individuals heal, thrive, and begin to live the life that they deserve. I have an assembly of “healing tribe members” that I highly recommend because a healthy lifestyle is multilayered.

Q: How is your overall health now?
A: I’ve been free from diabetes, all of my autoimmune diseases and generally feeling unwell for several years. However, it’s not going to happen overnight; it takes time and commitment to get into a healthy state, especially if you’ve been sick or fighting off illnesses for a while.

I still get weekly lymphatic drainage massages for maintenance. I believe it works so well, better than anything else to remove the toxins from the body. You could eat the cleanest diet or have zero stress, but we all still deal with pollutants in the environment, contagious viruses and bacteria on a daily basis. Staying on top of your health and understanding the next step you need to take is essential and precious.

FLŌYŌ welcomes students of all levels and delivers a total mind-body workout that renews the mind, body, and spirit.

At FLŌYŌ, they offer more than just yoga classes; they provide a vast array of services to benefit their client’s overall health and wellness lifestyle, including lymphatic drainage. To schedule a class or appointment with Caitlynn, stop by the studio or call (239) 598-1938.

Caitlynn’s Healing Lecture
October 13th
12:30 pm
FLŌYŌ Naples North
6200 Trail Blvd, Naples, FL 34108

(239) 598-1938

To find out more about Caitlynn’s healing techniques, or to schedule an appointment at her office, please visit her website at aquapadme.com or aquapadmehealing.com.