ExcerMedic …. health solutions

Based on 35 years of experience and comprehensive scientific research, ExerMedic offers a program
that will benefit you and your health condition to an extent you have never experienced before.


  • Diabetes
  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain/Osteoporosis
  • Fat Loss
  • Hypertension
  • Arthritis
  • Rebabilitation
  • Cancer
  • Pregnancy
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Parkinsons
  • Exercise and Fitness

In this article we will cover the ExerMedic benefits for Diabetes and Fat Loss:

Health SolutionDIABETES
The ExerMedic program is likely the most effective treatment for diabetes as well as for prevention. ExerMedic high-intensity sessions can rapidly improve glucose control and induce adaptations in
skeletal muscle that are linked to improved metabolic health in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D).

Diabetes is reaching epidemic proportions in the United States. According to the American Diabetes
Association, nearly 10 percent of the population (25.8 million Americans) has diabetes, with just shy of 2 million new cases being diagnosed every year.

As if this isn’t frightening enough, another 79 million people have pre-diabetes, meaning they don’t meet the clinical definition of diabetes, but their blood glucose and insulin levels are dangerously elevated, putting them at risk of developing diabetes unless they change their lifestyle and dietary habits.

And with diabetes comes a whole host of life-threatening and life-changing complications, including:
• Heart disease
• Stroke
• Blindness
• Kidney disease
• Amputation
• Nervous system disorders

Given the seriousness and prevalence, it’s no wonder that researchers are motivated to find ways
of managing diabetes.

ExerMedic will make a huge difference toward this end.

You must create a caloric deficit in order to lose weight, meaning that more calories must be spent than consumed on a daily basis. The deficit necessary for one pound of fat loss is 3500 calories.

The activity that is necessary to burn 3500 calories is equivalent to approximately 40 miles of jogging!

However, you should not focus on calories burned during exercise (very little!) but on calories burned as a result of exercise. For every pound of muscle that you build through the highly efficient ExerMedic training, your body will burn about 70 extra calories per day, just by being there! This means that if you build 5-7 pounds of muscle you will burn up to 500 calories per day. In a week that amounts to 3500 calories. That is 40 miles worth of jogging without really running a single mile!

The average person loses about half a pound of muscle per year after age 25. This means that if you are over forty you most likely have 5 pounds or more to re-build. Muscle loss is the reason why the metabolism slows down and it becomes very difficult to lose fat.

An ExerMedic training program is a much more time-efficient and effective way to burn calories.

At ExerMedic you will also receive important dietary guidelines to ensure you will lose unwanted fat.


239 260 7673
1514 lmmokalee Road, Suite 112, Naples
On the SE corner of lmmokalee Rd. and Goodlette-Frank Rd.,
across from NCH North