Every Woman Needs DITI

By Yollo Wellness –

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging, ‘DITI,” is a 15 minute noninvasive test of physiology. It is a valuable procedure for alerting your doctor to changes that can indicate early stages of breast disease.

The Benefit of DITI Testing
The benefit of DITI testing is that it offers the opportunity of earlier detection of breast disease than has been possible through breast self-examination, doctor examination or mammography alone. Did you know that cells double every 90 days? Relying on one “traditional” test is no longer considered being proactive. The DITI can detect the cellular change as little as 256 cells. As you can see from the chart, it would take over 4 billion cells (eight years growing) for a mammogram to detect. (DITI should be used as an adjunct in many cases.)

Thermography Not Limited To One Area
Unlike other standard diagnostic testing for breast disease, thermography is not limited to the area of tissue that has to be compressed between two plates. All areas of the breast are imaged which includes where the neck joins the collar bones and the areas just below the breast. DITI is the only devise that covers vascular and lymphatic activity which is indicators of developing pathology.

Noninvasive, No Radiation, Painless
The scan is noninvasive, no radiation, painless, no contact with the body and FDA registered. It can also monitor and detect a number of diseases and physical injuries by showing the thermal abnormalities present in the body. It is used as an aid for diagnosis and prognosis as well as monitoring therapy progress for conditions and injuries including back injury, arthritis, headache, nerve damage, unexplained pain, fibromyalgia, RSD, Dental TMJ, Artery Inflammation, vascular disease, breast disease, carpal tunnel, disc disease, inflammation pain, skin cancer, referred pain syndrome, sprains, stroke screening, whiplash and digestive disorders. A full body scan takes 30 minutes plus time for filing paper work.

A Recognized Diagnostic Tool
DITI has been recognized as a variable diagnostic tool since 1987 by the AMA Council on Scientific Affairs and the ACA Council on Diagnostic Imaging, the Congress of Neurosurgeons in 1988 and in 1990 by the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. It is:

  • The only method available for visualizing pain
  • Can assess pain and pathology anywhere in the body
  • Is a very useful adjunct procedure to other diagnostic tools
  • Is very cost effective, risk free and provides instant images
  • May be used to monitor inflammation reduction along with hyperbaric and acupuncture
  • Breast imaging is non invasive, no radiation, painless, no contact with the body
  • Better imaging results for breast augmentation or mastectomy clients, dense breast, or woman who cannot be subject to radiation
  • Early detection is key to prevention. Would you rather find cells in a group of 200 or 4 Billion? Often a mammogram will not pick up cell masses until they have reached 4 billion.

A Holistic Approach
Here at YOLLO Wellness (You Only Live LIFE One), we use a holistic approach in looking at each individual and their concerns. Our team of specialists will offer a protocol using our programs of natural plant based supplements, Live Cell Digestion Blood Analysis, dietary programs, hyperbaric OFF label and ON label therapies. We also offer concussion testing, food and environmental sensitivity panel testing. We carry a woman’s breast health supplement package and can design it to your specific needs.

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