By W.L. “Hunter” Huntley, III, HAS., BC-HIS

DIABETES & HEARING LOSSAccording to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the National Institute of Health (NIH), diabetics are two times more susceptible to contract hearing loss than those without the disease.

Of the 86 million adults thought to have pre-diabetes, the rate of hearing loss is 30% higher than those with normal blood sugar.

In a study done by the NIH, researchers analyzed data from hearing tests of adults between the ages of 20 and 69. They concluded that diabetes might contribute to hearing loss by damaging nerves and blood vessels in the inner ear. There is still work to be done to find more data.

Hearing loss usually happens so gradually that you may not even notice it. Children and adults can experience hearing loss at any time, You don’t have to be elderly to lose hearing!

Ask yourself the following questions if you think you might be at risk for hearing loss:
. Do you ask for questions, statements or directions to be repeated?
. Have your friends or family members complained that you’re
not listening?
. Do you complain that people are mumbling?
. Do you have problems following conversations with more than
one person?
. Have people told you that you listen to the television or radio
too loudly?
. Do you have trouble understanding conversations in crowded rooms
or busy restaurants?

If you answered yes to more than one of those questions, you should have your hearing evaluated immediately to assess the existing loss and prevent further damage.

All people with diabetes should have their hearing checked each year. The best way to avoid complications caused by diabetes is closely monitor your blood glucose levels, reduce hypertension, keep off excess weight, and exercise daily.

Untreated hearing loss can lead to memory loss, isolation, paranoia, depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and brain atrophy.

Brain atrophy is the loss or damage to brain cells. Since there is no treatment available to cure this complication, this means the illness must be prevented with the use of hearing instruments and a healthy active lifestyle.

Hearing care is healthcare! We hear with our brains, not our ears. The brain does all the work! Evidence why treating hearing loss should not be ignored or overlooked. Hearing instrument technology has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few years. Individuals that suffer from poor speech understanding can find a solution that best fits their needs.

For a FREE (no obligation) hearing evaluation, call 997-8288 today to schedule an appointment.